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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: shadow_ishtar on 2009 February 01, 00:53:40

Title: Deleted 2 Question
Post by: shadow_ishtar on 2009 February 01, 00:53:40
Would have posted in Deleted 2 thread, but necromancy is bad.

I followed the 'Deleted 2' instructions carefully, using Lot Debugger first, etc. (I was fixing mistakes that I had made before I knew they were mistakes). When it came to instance filtering, there were three things listed: the SDSC, the SWAF, and the Sim DNA. I knew not to delete the Sim DNA because of step , but wasn't sure what to do about the SWAF file, so I left it.

Should I go back into SimPE and delete the SWAF files that corresponded to the SDSC, or is it all right (Lot Debugger says SWAF files are deleted as part of prep for delete)? I'm using the latest version of SimPE.
