More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Babahara on 2009 January 31, 12:24:26

Title: deleting townies
Post by: Babahara on 2009 January 31, 12:24:26
Is there a way to delete (most) townies? Maybe using SimPE or something like that. I downloaded hacks that prevent townies and animals from respawning once townies get removed from townie pool, but there are too many townies already. :)

Title: Re: deleting townies
Post by: spambi on 2009 January 31, 13:19:46
Deleted 2: Electric Bugaloo --,6205.0.html

Title: Re: deleting townies
Post by: Babahara on 2009 February 01, 06:50:28
Thanx :)