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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Gastfyr on 2009 January 19, 04:45:12

Title: Errors when trying to save changes to an apartment lot
Post by: Gastfyr on 2009 January 19, 04:45:12
I think maybe my lot is a complete loss.   :-\  I have had nothing but problems with this lot, and I thought I had fixed it by updating my hacks, but the lot appears to me to be corrupt.  Which is sad, since I have spent hours carefully building and decorating it to get it "just so".

The first error log is from when I tried to save a family's progress.  That error while saving scared me, so I moved all 3 playable families out.  I then decided to go in and edit the baselot a bit (mostly to fix the soccer goal thing that for some reason had become unclickable).  However, when I tried to save my changes to the lot, the second attached error jumped up.

Is there a way to fix this lot?  Or should I simply trash it and start fresh?

I should mention that I have had no problems whatsoever playing an apartment in a test hood with all my hacks in the game.

Title: Re: Errors when trying to save changes to an apartment lot
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 January 19, 06:29:36
Error doesn't match anything recognizeable. In fact, it's a LUA error. So, I think your lot is just hosed somehow, like you built a malformed apartment.

Title: Re: Errors when trying to save changes to an apartment lot
Post by: Gastfyr on 2009 January 19, 09:44:59
I don't know what LUA stands for, but I guess it's back to building for me!  I was getting sick of that stupid lot and all it's problems anyway.