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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: vector on 2005 November 11, 18:52:48

Title: Lots with ghosts - BFBVFS?
Post by: vector on 2005 November 11, 18:52:48
I've noticed a few houses being uploaded to various sites that contain ready-made ghosts. I'm wondering if this would cause problems, particularly with Nightlife's moveable graves thing. I mean, ghosts have their character files, right? Otherwise they wouldn't be able to be resurrected. Isn't downloading a lot with a family of ghosts just like downloading a lot with a family of alives?

Apols if already covered here.

Title: Re: Lots with ghosts - BFBVFS?
Post by: veilchen on 2005 November 11, 21:10:25
Yikes, I've never even thought about it. I'm glad I haven't downloaded anything for NL yet (game to new :D). Shame on you vector, for making sense. I guess we have to wait for JM to get the game to find out for sure, but you make an awful lot of sense. Let's hope the 6 -8 Microsoft weeks are over soon, and JM gets his copy of NL.

I believe I better stick to making my own ghosts. Now lets see...who's made me angry lately?..

Title: Re: Lots with ghosts - BFBVFS?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 November 12, 13:38:51
I would tend to think that downloading ghosts was probably a bad idea, unless you could be absolutely sure those ghosts had no memories of sims in the creator's game.  A pity they didn't come up with a way of packaging just the tombstone and ghost from within the game!  Then people could have downloaded empty lots, and separate ghosts.  Probably no safer, but at least by adding them in one at a time, it would be easier to check them out in SimPE.

Title: Re: Lots with ghosts - BFBVFS?
Post by: Pegasys on 2005 November 12, 20:20:23
 ??? BFBVFS ??? Still trying to figure this one out... Big Fiery Ball Very Flaming... Hmm???

Title: Re: Lots with ghosts - BFBVFS?
Post by: eaglezero on 2005 November 12, 20:27:48
big fiery ball visible from space