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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: qvcatullus on 2005 November 11, 15:40:05

Title: If I can find the right hack, I can find it here...
Post by: qvcatullus on 2005 November 11, 15:40:05
Hey all! First time I've posted here, so don't be too mean. Or go ahead, if it's that important to you.

I have been using a hack (called smartserve) which begins to handle the irritating problem of stupid sims cooking stupid things stupidly. But I have found myself more and more annoyed by the way it locks other sims out of using the fridge after the fridge has been selected. I know that this is to keep other sims from feeding themselves while the food is being prepared, but it makes my simmies go hungry when I cancel a have/serve meal command, either because someone autonomously picked the command up or I decided the cooker had something better to do.
Does anyone here know a better meals or fridge hack that will make my sims' kitchen life easier? It doesn't have to do exactly the same thing as the smartserve hack, it just needs to cut down on my frustration level with the little boogerheads. What do the folks here use for kitchen hacks?

Title: Re: If I can find the right hack, I can find it here...
Post by: Inge on 2005 November 11, 15:42:23
This is probably a bit more basic that you are looking for, but over at simlogical I have a no-autonomy fridge so sims will only cook from it what and when you tell them to.

Title: Re: If I can find the right hack, I can find it here...
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 November 11, 15:43:43
Have you updated smartserve lately?  I play with that and the locking-out thing was removed some time ago.  As I recall, they can't autonomously go to the fridge within the hour, but you can direct them to.  I have no problems doing that at all. 

Title: Re: If I can find the right hack, I can find it here...
Post by: qvcatullus on 2005 November 11, 15:56:28
Haven't updated it recently, no. I never have any idea where the things I have come from, so I can never find them again to update them. In the meantime, I did poke around and find out that it's from MTS2, but very sadly, the downloads there are broken. Sigh... I shall wait until they are working again.

Title: Re: If I can find the right hack, I can find it here...
Post by: Inge on 2005 November 11, 15:58:03
That's a Dizzy2 hack isn't it?  Much as it pains me to say it, you can probably get it on :)

Title: Re: If I can find the right hack, I can find it here...
Post by: veilchen on 2005 November 11, 18:20:13
AND at MTS2 :D

Title: Re: If I can find the right hack, I can find it here...
Post by: Inge on 2005 November 11, 18:27:10
They knew that but they said the MTS2 downloads were not working.  I didn't know if they were in a big hurry

Title: Re: If I can find the right hack, I can find it here...
Post by: veilchen on 2005 November 11, 21:12:06
Yeah, they're working again. I went and got some new car meshes and re-colors. Maxis' are too boring.

Title: Re: If I can find the right hack, I can find it here...
Post by: Regina on 2005 November 11, 22:39:00
Haven't updated it recently, no. I never have any idea where the things I have come from, so I can never find them again to update them. In the meantime, I did poke around and find out that it's from MTS2, but very sadly, the downloads there are broken. Sigh... I shall wait until they are working again.

I've had that problem in the past too (with figuring out from where I got something), so figured out a way of keeping track.

I have my HD partitioned, and all my downloads go onto the partition.  On that partition I have a pretty extensive folder structure just for my Sims downloads.  Each folder is named from the site I found the file, especially if it's a more obscure site.  For my game mods, I just have a folder called GameMods, then sub-folders for the various sites and in those sub-folders for each creator.  It may take me a few minutes to figure out from where something came, but that's usually a few minutes well spent.  For example, if I can't remember from where I got TwoJeff's mod that allows sims to wear their current formalwear for wedding wear, I can just sort through my folders until I come along the right one.  I am getting better about remembering where I got most of that stuff, but when it's a site I don't visit often I forget a lot more.  :P

Of course there's always the possibility of creators moving sites, like TwoJeffs and CrammyBoy coming here.  In order to keep them straight, though, all I need to do is move their respective folders to the folder for their new home.

Alas, here I sit rambling again!  And just when I found myself a new mission upon which to embark! LOL

Title: Re: If I can find the right hack, I can find it here...
Post by: qvcatullus on 2005 November 11, 23:37:10
Yes, managed to get it at VS. My computer practically refuses to load their site; I suppose it has taste.

And MTS2 is now apparently back up after I went to all that trouble. Ah, well.
Anyhow, the update seems to be working fine. Thanks, all.

Title: Re: If I can find the right hack, I can find it here...
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 November 12, 04:33:37
V, have you got Hairfish's recolours of some of the cars?  they're the best I've seen.