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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: leiela on 2009 January 03, 12:33:01

Title: Owned Buisness Glitch
Post by: leiela on 2009 January 03, 12:33:01

Hi i was wondering if anyone had seen this and could perhaps help me track down the problem.

Since i installed apartment Life i have a problem with my owned business's. Basically what happens is i ask my manager to "watch the store" as usual, go home , "check in with the business" and everything seems fine, the manager does the "everythings fine" "have a nice day off" blurb.

But then when midnight rolls round there is no money sent from the business, the next day if i re-ring the business the manage moans at me for calling again, but yet again when i let midnight roll around no money is sent, basically this go's on indefinatly the manager moans if i try and check in but my business's arn't sending me any money either.

Any idea's what might cause this problem??

Title: Re: Owned Buisness Glitch
Post by: notovny on 2009 January 03, 12:51:50
Have you gone back to play the store to rack up some more profit to base  the "run business from home" income off of?

On a side note, "Mind the Store" is an absolutely worthless option.  It has absolutely no bearing on "run business from home" income. All it does is tell the Manager "I have full faith in the competence of the EA programming to allow you to reassign the workers of this business at any time while I am playing it."

This is rather undesirable,  because the decisions that the manager will make to reassign your staff appear to have no bearing on  which members of your staff are trained for particular jobs, and assumes that you assigned those staff members to those jobs with the same haphazard randomness that the game-logic does.  So your chef maybe waiting tables while the busboy burns the Lobster Thermidor, and your Gold-Badged Cashier may be clipping hedges while your Restocker tries to count change on his fingers.

It's for that reason, of the thirty or so Owned Comm-Lot Businesses I've run since OFB released, I've only ever used "Mind the Store" on the first one.

Title: Re: Owned Buisness Glitch
Post by: leiela on 2009 January 03, 13:13:14
Yeah i wracked about about $30,000 profit in my first day, so i should be seeing at least something i would imagine.

Title: Re: Owned Buisness Glitch
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 January 03, 13:21:14
Money will not be received on the first night back from the business. Therefore, if you visited on that day, you do not also receive midnight remote income.

Title: Re: Owned Buisness Glitch
Post by: leiela on 2009 January 03, 13:30:26
Yeah i understand that, i ring up the day following the day i went to the lot myself and it's the night after i don't recive any money. (over 24hours)

i've even tried waiting several days just incase it was a bug that was just effecting one day, it doesn't matter how long i leave it the manager gets moody and tells me to stop ringing, and no money arrives, i played though an intire season and nothing changes.

It's also worth noting It only appears to be happening on apartments lots, owners living in houses seem to recive funds normally.

Title: Re: Owned Buisness Glitch
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 January 04, 01:10:57
Found this issue to be caused by a bug in the EAxis code. Fixed in ofbfixes.