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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Maygus on 2009 January 03, 07:49:43

Title: Is there hack for tweaking (but not randomizing) personalities
Post by: Maygus on 2009 January 03, 07:49:43
Ok, I know about the in-game cheat which sets a personality attribute to min/mid/max, and I know about the personality-randomizer feature in Sim Blender.  But I have yet to find a hack which will let me increment or decrement an attribute by one point.

Here's what I want to do:  I have a couple of sims with 5 points on the Lazy-Active scale and I want to increment the number to 6 so that they won't eat crap.  Is there a hack out there that'll let me do this?

Title: Re: Is there hack for tweaking (but not randomizing) personalities
Post by: Kyna on 2009 January 03, 07:53:25
Turn on debug mode.  Drag the personality points to wherever you want them.

Title: Re: Is there hack for tweaking (but not randomizing) personalities
Post by: Maygus on 2009 January 03, 08:10:13
Oh.  I tried clicking on the bubbles (like the way it works in CAS), but it never occurred to me to click and drag.  Kyna, thanks.

Title: Re: Is there hack for tweaking (but not randomizing) personalities
Post by: SaraMK on 2009 January 03, 08:23:38
Don't forget it needs to be turned on while in neighborhood view. If you turn it on while in lot view, it won't let you do that until you exit and re-enter the lot.

Title: Re: Is there hack for tweaking (but not randomizing) personalities
Post by: Gwill on 2009 January 03, 19:10:18
Don't forget it needs to be turned on while in neighborhood view. If you turn it on while in lot view, it won't let you do that until you exit and re-enter the lot.
For some reason, changing and saving your graphics settings also activates the cheat fully, but the lag is almost as bad as just re-entering the lot.