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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: trlaavh on 2009 January 02, 21:38:58

Title: I haven't broken it yet, but its inevitable.
Post by: trlaavh on 2009 January 02, 21:38:58
I'm back! After disappearing for a while, I have returned with yet another 12ishly stupid question! YAY!!! Something to point and laugh at! Here it is:

Is it safe to delete neighborhood terrains? Specifically ones that came with the game? I fail and Google, and I epic!phail at searching this site. *Hides while awaiting a response*
It wouldn't be the first time I caused a BFBVFS, okay... it wouldn't even be the tenth time... but I really want to get rid of some of those god-awful terrains that do nothing but take up space. Please help teh noob! Please?



Title: Re: I haven't broken it yet, but its inevitable.
Post by: SaraMK on 2009 January 02, 22:32:27
You mean the ones in the SC4Terrains folder?


However, at random times, the game may decide to copy them back over from the C:\Program Files\EA Games\ directory, so if you want them gone permanently, as opposed to having to delete them every time the game decides to copy them over again, you'll need to delete them from there, too.

Title: Re: I haven't broken it yet, but its inevitable.
Post by: trlaavh on 2009 January 02, 22:35:45
That's exactly what I meant. Thanks!