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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: asoivel on 2008 December 29, 14:10:03

Title: Go to finals broken
Post by: asoivel on 2008 December 29, 14:10:03

Go to finals errors in my Greek houses and drops out of queue. I don't get the pop up message  that finals will start in one hour either; this is exactly when the error occurs. I do get the finals in 5 hours pop up fine, however. I can still send students to go to their finals manually.

This was tested in a completely awesome game with hacks from this site as only custom content. I have not tested this in dorms or uni residential lots, just Greek houses. I'm running all EPs and most SPs including M&G.

I hope this can be fixed. Thank you.

Title: Re: Go to finals broken
Post by: Roux on 2008 December 29, 14:18:19
Looks like the error I was getting with a previous version of the apthack. The current version works for me, though.

Title: Re: Go to finals broken
Post by: asoivel on 2008 December 29, 14:27:55
I seem to have the current version, dated 20th Dec 2008 23:20:34.

Title: Re: Go to finals broken
Post by: Gwill on 2008 December 29, 14:37:21
I had that problem.  Pescado "fixed" it about three times before I took the hack out while playing uni lots.

Title: Re: Go to finals broken
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 December 29, 16:44:04
Confirm still having issue with latest version. Errors at the hour reminder. In the case of multiple students in the same major (but with finals at different points), resetting of course pulls the sim currently at their class/final back to the lot. Obviously bad... Charles was an hour into his when an error on Sara caused him to be pulled back to the lot.

Happening for me on dorm lots. I don't have other lot types in play.

Title: Re: Go to finals broken
Post by: Chaavik on 2008 December 29, 17:47:34
I am also having the exact same problem with the apthack mod too, and the current version was dated the 20th of December.

When the YAs were supposed to go to their finals, one of them threw an error similar to the error log attached to the thread. If I direct them to go to their finals (2 hours before the exams), they will go to their finals. But an hour before their exams, the affected YAs popped back onto the lot. I had to send them off to their finals again. That was when the error log was generated.

I dug deeper into the mod to see what was going on and saw one node (Node 29) in the Sub - Process BHAV missing an argument (with empty operands). I assumed this was when the YAs were supposed to be sent to their finals. There were two other errors contained in the log, but I am guessing that those two errors stemmed from that particular node in that BHAV. This is just what I am guessing.

The workaround is to direct them to go to their finals until we're told what to resolve.

And my YAs were going to their classes and finals from a normal residential lot in the normal hood.

Title: Re: Go to finals broken
Post by: tunaisafish on 2008 December 29, 18:26:31
It's not that.  'Sub - Go to class' doesn't require operands.
The error in the log above is happening at node 11 of 'go to class'
It needs "Local 0  := Stack Ob" prior to node 11.  There's a route through where it it's uninitialised.

Title: Re: Go to finals broken
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 December 30, 00:26:38
Fixed now.