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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: aussieone on 2008 December 27, 01:54:03

Title: Broken appliances and plumbing problem.
Post by: aussieone on 2008 December 27, 01:54:03
I have a residential lot that I've played for a few generations. When I entered the lot again recently, every single appliance and plumbing object that can be broken repeatedly breaks. every time they're used. It doesn't seem to matter what age the sim is that uses the objects and it doesn't matter if I direct a sim to repair the object or I force an error to fix it, they still break after each use.

I'm not sure if the lot is borked and if I should move the family back out and in again or move them out and bulldoze the lot ( both scenarios I would rather avoid if I can) or if there is some other solution. I've never run into this problem before and after doing a search, I can't find anything similar or anyone else that has had a similar problem either it seems.

I haven't D/L'd anything new recently. I have all EP's and SP's, all awesomeware hacks are up to date and I'm reasonably sure non awesome hacks are as well.

Title: Re: Broken appliances and plumbing problem.
Post by: purplehaze on 2008 December 27, 01:57:40
You didn't happen to be fiddling in debug mode and accidently click on the 'break inducer' ?  Try enabling debug and see if the 'break suppressor' shows up. If it does, click on that and see if it fixes said problems. Just a hunch.

Title: Re: Broken appliances and plumbing problem. - SOLVED
Post by: aussieone on 2008 December 27, 02:17:54
I always play in debug mode, but I have no idea where the break inducer is. I don't remember clicking anything unusual, but just in case I did, how did I do it and what do I click to fix it?

ETA: I found the option on the mail box by shift-clicking.

I was fiddling with the mailbox as I recall, because the sims on the lot were having trouble with macro pay bills option. I did indeed accidentally click on the break inducer! Thanks very much for the heads up purplehaze.