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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Carida on 2008 December 25, 20:39:10

Title: Yes I broke it very badly
Post by: Carida on 2008 December 25, 20:39:10
Hallo there,

I don't usually post, I'm more of a lurker but I try to put out my limited 2 cents when I'm able and when its of use. Well after being up for two days (for no real reason) and attempting to find out what was wrong with my game I managed to delete all of my program files. Yes. I am a really big idiot and feel free to point and laugh. Or even kick if your of a mind. No more then I'm kicking myself.

By doing this of course I deleted all of my uninstallers, I didn't think it would be that much of a problem, but it was. So I reinstalled everything back in up to Seasons and uninstalled them as I went and that seemed to work just fine until I got to Bon Voyage which doesn't want to uninstall at all. The installer constantly causes an error and when I attempt to run the uninstaller nothing happens.

I was wondering if anyone knew how I could remove the game files from my computer without having to completely wipe my harddrive and start over again? Which I suppose I could do but if I have to do that I may just cry.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Title: Re: Yes I broke it very badly
Post by: witch on 2008 December 25, 20:42:50
Do a search on how to clean up your registry from all sims entries. I think there may even be something on the official site. Then you can just delete your programme files and start again.

Title: Re: Yes I broke it very badly
Post by: Carida on 2008 December 25, 20:47:11
I'm sorry I'm still groggy.

Do you mean search the site on how to clean up your registry? If so, alright I will do that.

Thank you very much for your response. :)


Title: Re: Yes I broke it very badly
Post by: witch on 2008 December 25, 22:02:28
Either here or on the official Sims 2 site. I'm sure I read they put something up for people who were having trouble uninstalling and reinstalling.

Title: Re: Yes I broke it very badly
Post by: purplehaze on 2008 December 26, 04:23:59  Maybe this would be of help?

Title: Re: Yes I broke it very badly
Post by: Carida on 2008 December 27, 14:29:57
Thank you, I found it by searching about and managed to uninstall.

But... sadly I'm having serious load problems. I removed all my hacks and that's the only way it will load. And the combo of Hacks that I have has always worked. that they suddenly don't work has me confused.

At this point it tries to load, the moment it does, the little load line goes green and it freezes my computer. If I have to press the button to shut it down one more time I think I may break the thing at this point. I'm wondering if anyone can tell me where I can find that logged area in the game that tells you what went wrong with it? Though since it won't even load I wonder if that's even the problem.

I am afraid I might have to start brand new. And I'm not really wanting to so any help would be appreciated. :)


Title: Re: Yes I broke it very badly
Post by: Marhis on 2008 December 27, 18:55:54
Thank you, I found it by searching about and managed to uninstall.

But... sadly I'm having serious load problems. I removed all my hacks and that's the only way it will load. And the combo of Hacks that I have has always worked. that they suddenly don't work has me confused.

It may be that one or some of those files got corrupted, hence the problem. Try to substitute with fresh copies and see if it works.

Title: Re: Yes I broke it very badly
Post by: Carida on 2008 December 28, 01:24:42
Thank you for answering Marhis.

I'm going to do that, I also discovered something odd today.

I opened up bodyshop to see if I could get that at least to work, usually when I have some sort of hack problem when I open up bodyshop it will show. But in this case bodyshop opened up perfectly as if there were nothing wrong with it. Though originally my problem was a bad hair mesh and I noticed that some sims that I tried to clone and put hair back on them the new hair I had downloaded ( I had to go and download all fresh hair) wouldn't work on them. But SOME sims would work with the new hair and if I went to build a new sim entirely the hair worked on them as well.

So I don't know what that means. I'm still going to replace all my hacks once more, but I wonder if that means that my saved sims are corrupted? Or at least, some of them are corrupted?

Thanks for any help you can give.


Title: Re: Yes I broke it very badly
Post by: Kazzandra on 2008 December 28, 01:41:04
Though originally my problem was a bad hair mesh and I noticed that some sims that I tried to clone and put hair back on them the new hair I had downloaded ( I had to go and download all fresh hair) wouldn't work on them. But SOME sims would work with the new hair and if I went to build a new sim entirely the hair worked on them as well.

I am wondering if you mean that you:
a) downloaded a completely new (to you) hair mesh and are having problems with it,
b) redownloaded an old hair mesh that worked previously, and find it is not working now,
c) redownloaded a file that was causing you errors and you thought a fresh copy would fix it.

Title: Re: Yes I broke it very badly
Post by: Carida on 2008 December 28, 01:55:45
Well originally I had downloaded a good deal of stuff since I had played last. Then I went into the game and I was having the loading problem. I was confused by this and I thought it was a hack issue. I removed the hacks and the game would load, but when I tried to load a hood it wouldn't work. And would crash.

So after a good deal of searching around, I found that the problem was in my hair mesh/hair recolour folder. And when I searched through it with Delphy's download organizer I even found something in there that said NULL all across the board and suddenly made Delphy's go white with red x's through it. So i figured let me just get rid of the whole file, which hurt I must say a year and a half worth of stuff and just went and redownloaded all new hair meshes. And that seems to solve the hair mesh problem.

Then the problem was in my defaults folder, I had default replacements for the Social bunny and the Alien and I removed those and it seemed to work. Then the problem was in my hacks folder. I had two of the same hack that did different things in there at the same time and Hadn't realized it. So I removed them and figured it would work.

And this is where we are now. It won't load at all, or rather freezes my computer when it tries to when it has the hacks in. I remove the hacks entirely and it works as in loading up the neighborhood as well as the game. *sighs*

Mouthful I know. Seems like everything got corrupted from all this mess. But I'm not sure so I'll just redownload all my hacks and cross my fingers and hope that I don't have to deal with a frozen computer once again. If so I might have to start from scratch. Which sucks.


Title: Re: Yes I broke it very badly
Post by: Kazzandra on 2008 December 28, 02:11:13
And this is where we are now. It won't load at all, or rather freezes my computer when it tries to when it has the hacks in.
You may have another hack conflict. Seeing your past issues, I would not be surprised. Have you used Paladin's Sims 2 Hack Conflict Detection Utility? It can be found at ( under Sims 2, programs. It will spit out a conflict report, and but is up to you to take out conflicting files.

Title: Re: Yes I broke it very badly
Post by: Carida on 2008 December 28, 02:38:24
I did that too. And pulled out everything that was conflicting and still won't work.

So I'm downloading all new hacks at this point and praying that it will work. I might pull out all my defaults too while I'm at it I suppose. What a mess!


Title: Re: Yes I broke it very badly
Post by: Carida on 2008 December 28, 18:28:40
Well last update.

The whole thing was corrupted. I had to start from scratch. Eh. Well at least I backed up my hoods! So that's something ;)
