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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: nocomment on 2008 December 22, 06:41:09

Title: Are social group townies named from the live.package file?
Post by: nocomment on 2008 December 22, 06:41:09
I made a custom live.package file with new names.  It worked for the witches, but not the social townies.  Do they pull their names from somewhere else?  Are they "pre-made" or pre-named somehow?  My memory is fuzzy, but I believe I used the live.package from AL as a base.

Title: Re: Are social group townies named from the live.package file?
Post by: zceepy on 2008 December 22, 09:04:04
This is because social townies are automatically created from maxis templates as soon as you install AL whereas the witches are generated when you first meet them (and therefore take their names from the custom live.package just like newly generated townies replacing townies you killed because they annoyed you too many times)
Use this (,6205.0.html) to get rid of the townies with annoying names and the game will generate new ones with your prefered names

Also although I'm sure you're aware of them but for anyone else using this as a reference I'm gonna throw out the clean template link (,4306.0.html)

*zceepy is happy because this is exactly her level of modding ability so can help*

Title: Re: Are social group townies named from the live.package file?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 December 22, 10:40:41
How does one pronounce "Zceepy", anyway? Is it Slavic?

Title: Re: Are social group townies named from the live.package file?
Post by: SaraMK on 2008 December 22, 17:54:35
I read it as Skippy.  :D

Title: Re: Are social group townies named from the live.package file?
Post by: nocomment on 2008 December 25, 07:49:29
Thanks for the help.  That's what I get for skipping clean templates this time. 

Title: Re: Are social group townies named from the live.package file?
Post by: Sette on 2009 January 04, 09:59:12
Concerning the live.package file, is it normal to have no name lists except one for female last names?
I've checked all the files, and it's been that way since my base game installation.

Title: Re: Are social group townies named from the live.package file?
Post by: Marhis on 2009 January 04, 10:09:54
Concerning the live.package file, is it normal to have no name lists except one for female last names?
I've checked all the files, and it's been that way since my base game installation.

Uhm, no, I don't think it's normal; it should have male first names, female first names, male last names and female last names lists.

EDIT: Checked. Probably the other three are simply not named in the list, but they're still there: they should be resources 0x96 (male first), 0x97 (female first), 0x98 (male last). The female last names list is 0xCC.