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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: amazone on 2008 December 21, 23:24:09

Title: Please help - jump bug with novel progress hack
Post by: amazone on 2008 December 21, 23:24:09
Since i lost my download folder, i had to start collecting hacks again. I promise, i have googled, and i have searched, but it is beyond my understanding. I have the hack novelprogress. But when my sims at UNI shall type novels, they all of a sudden jump back, away from the computer.Standing on the floor. I used to have the hack writingnovelsfaster (?) and wonder if i can pick that up somewhere to use in the game. I have FT and AL. Since i don't remember the name of the hack, i am stucked. I don't want the hack to christianlov which i found at mts2.

Title: Re: Please help.
Post by: professorbutters on 2008 December 21, 23:46:49
There is a WCIF thread here.  It's stickied at the top of the forum.

I have had novelprogress for a long time, and I am almost positive it cannot be what's causing the jump bug.

I'm pretty sure WriteNovelsFaster is a Squinge hack. If it was updated, it would probably be on InSim.

Title: Re: Please help.
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 December 22, 00:00:00
Pescado's novelprogress hack was obsoleted by FT (I believe), and should be removed from your game. In any case, FT changed how novels are written, so I would imagine that any hack that affects novel writing is obsolete if it hasn't been updated for FT.

Title: Re: Please help.
Post by: Skadi on 2008 December 22, 00:20:54
Make sure you are using the updated versions for FT for all novel hacks. Does this still happen if you take out your hacks folder?

Title: Re: Please help.
Post by: Kyna on 2008 December 22, 01:55:06
How on earth did you manage get hold of novelprogress in your rebuild of your hacks?  It's an obsolete hack (as noted by jsalemi) and no longer appears in the director's cut or the hack directory for AL.

While novelprogress is available in the hack directory for Seasons & earlier, only an idiot would deliberately decide to use hacks that have clearly not been updated for their latest EP and then complain when those hacks cause problems in the game.

Title: Re: Please help.
Post by: professorbutters on 2008 December 22, 03:03:08
It does appear in the BV directory, though, doesn't it? Good point, though.  That's why I always download the hacks for the EP I have, carefully noting the date and sometimes pulling over all of them. If something suddenly *isn't* there, I know to check the boards and try to find out why. 

Novelprogress still works fine in BV.

It's helpful to note, though, that sometimes "obsolete" hacks are still necessary for Macs.  If Pescado's made them obsolete, then yes, they're obsolete, but if an EAxis patch has made them obsolete, the hack might still be needed. 

Title: Re: Please help.
Post by: Kyna on 2008 December 22, 11:30:06
Even if the hack, which i now realize was not updated for FT, i did not had the jump bug, this happend after installing AL.

You must have a special game then - some might even call it a "speshul snowflayke" of a game.  Everyone else who didn't bother to update their hacks and tried to run FT with the novelprogress hack in encountered this problem.  Some of them were even stupid enough to come here to complain that an obsolete hack caused problems in their game.  I think it was kind of them to give us something to point & laugh at, don't you?

Since i lost my download folder, i had to start collecting hacks again.

In your case, you compounded the stupidity.  It wasn't a leftover hack that was overlooked in your downloads folder when you installed a later EP - which, while not too bright, is fairly common.  In your case it was a hack you deliberately searched for when you rebuilt your trashed downloads folder.  When you couldn't find it in the hacks directory for your latest EP, you went out of your way to find a hack that wasn't marked as compatible with AL.  After all the EP releases over the years you should know by now that if a hack is not compatible with your latest EP then it's not compatible with your game - it only takes installing one new EP to learn that.

Title: Re: Please help.
Post by: seelindarun on 2008 December 22, 19:39:06
Novelprogress still works fine in BV.

It's helpful to note, though, that sometimes "obsolete" hacks are still necessary for Macs.  If Pescado's made them obsolete, then yes, they're obsolete, but if an EAxis patch has made them obsolete, the hack might still be needed. 

Yes, but if you had read the OP in its entirety, you would have noticed that their configuration is not the same as yours. 

I have FT and AL.

Therefore, the use of the word 'obsolete' is entirely correct in this case.  Every statement does not have to be vetted through the lens of every single, possible game configuration.

It's helpful to note that Pescado actively maintains hacks that go all the way back to the NL engine.  I think you can assume he doesn't need to be reminded that older hacks are necessary.