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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Nameless Horror on 2008 December 21, 03:05:01

Title: Graphical Glitches (Fixed)
Post by: Nameless Horror on 2008 December 21, 03:05:01
My game has been glitching in weird ways. It was happening before my dad reformatted the computer due to some unrelated problems. It continued, so dad updated the graphics card. It was still happening so I looked into the settings but I couldn't figure out what setting would affect it. The images were taken with anygame starter base game only, no hacks. But I also ran my game with all EPs and most SPs (excluding M&G, Celeb. and IKEA) and it happened there too.

Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GS
Operating system: XP (it's run in administrator mode.)

Title: Re: Graphical Glitches
Post by: Liz on 2008 December 21, 03:47:56
The spazzing triangles (esp. with an NVIDIA) suggests to me that you need to update your video drivers.

Title: Re: Graphical Glitches
Post by: Nameless Horror on 2008 December 21, 04:15:38
Thank you very much!  My dad's the one who knows how to do those kinds of things, so I'll ask him about that.

edit to add missing words

Title: Re: Graphical Glitches
Post by: misscatfish on 2008 December 21, 16:28:33
I had the same problem, and updating my NVIDIA drivers did stop it. I now sometimes get a "blue-screen-with-hourglass" when I rotate the camera, but the game recovers in less than a minute.

Also, since the update, I'm able to run the game on much higher detail settings (and it looks so much better that for now I'm willing to put up with the blue-screen thing rather than back it down to lower settings).

Just out of curiosity, does anyone know if MOAR RAMz would do anything for that blue-screen interruption?

Title: Re: Graphical Glitches
Post by: Nameless Horror on 2008 December 21, 18:36:23
I got the video card updated but the problem still persists. I was wondering if a complete reinstall would help or not.

Title: Re: Graphical Glitches
Post by: witch on 2008 December 21, 18:40:06
Just out of curiosity, does anyone know if MOAR RAMz would do anything for that blue-screen interruption?

I have read that the sims is a more processor intensive game than many, however more RAM is often helpful. If you are on Vista you might need four RAMs.

Title: Re: Graphical Glitches
Post by: Nameless Horror on 2008 December 21, 19:15:22
Well damn, now I'm out of ideas. On the bright side at least I don't have to do a complete reinstall.

Title: Re: Graphical Glitches
Post by: MrMugg on 2008 December 21, 19:31:57
I had this problem once.  I also updated my graphics card and had these problems.  Uninstalling and reinstalling, also updating drivers did not help.  It wasn't the card, but actually the fact that the card wasn't compatible with the motherboard I had.  It had something to do with the AGP speed, and my motherboard wasn't up to date compared to the card I tried to use.

In my case, I had gotten a new motherboard with onboard graphics that were better than what I had.  Later, I updated with a PCI-E card (8600gt) which I am still using to this day.

Title: Re: Graphical Glitches
Post by: Nameless Horror on 2008 December 21, 22:10:09
My dad fixed it. What he did was roll back the updates twice. Thought I'd mention that if anyone else was having the same problem. Thank you for the help!

Title: Re: Graphical Glitches
Post by: Simsample on 2008 December 22, 10:53:46
Just out of curiosity, does anyone know if MOAR RAMz would do anything for that blue-screen interruption?
I had this problem a few years ago when I had an Nvidia card; I tried new drivers, old drivers, different game settings- everything I could think of. Nothing worked except for increasing the RAM. As long as you aren't putting in more than your OS can handle it certainly isn't going to do any harm.