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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: lovemysims on 2005 November 10, 19:36:24

Title: Hi!
Post by: lovemysims on 2005 November 10, 19:36:24
Hi I am new! (membership wise, lurking for weeks)

I did not post to introduce myself.

Question # 1: I wanted to know if there is or will be a jealousy mod on this site (cause I can't find it) that will calm the jealousy (like married only- or behind closed doors) that will not conflict with my inteen- cause I just got it and really like it.

Question #2: How long does furius last? I have had my sim furious at her husband for 75% of her adult life span and I even have thier relationship scores at 100/100 but she is still furius (his face is all blue in the relationship panel)

Thanks for the help

Title: Re: Hi!
Post by: Venusy on 2005 November 10, 19:53:53
1. romancemod. It doesn't work at all with NL yet, so you'll need to use something else until then, but it really does fix how jealousy works.

2. Depends on the furious interaction. Being cheated on lasts longer than burglar, for example.

Title: Re: Hi!
Post by: simmiecal on 2005 November 10, 20:00:28
I think Lizzlove has a no jealousy mod over at ModtheSims2, if that interests you.

Title: Re: Hi!
Post by: Ness on 2005 November 10, 20:01:04
blue over the face indicates a contact - red is furious...  you sure it's blue?

Title: Re: Hi!
Post by: veilchen on 2005 November 11, 00:21:48
TJ (aka twojeffs) also has a casual romance mod that has a jealousy adjuster. I think it's compatible with NL, but please check first, I'm not 100% sure.

Title: Re: Hi!
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 11, 00:40:23
Hi I am new! (membership wise, lurking for weeks)

I did not post to introduce myself.

Question # 1: I wanted to know if there is or will be a jealousy mod on this site (cause I can't find it) that will calm the jealousy (like married only- or behind closed doors) that will not conflict with my inteen- cause I just got it and really like it.

Question #2: How long does furius last? I have had my sim furious at her husband for 75% of her adult life span and I even have thier relationship scores at 100/100 but she is still furius (his face is all blue in the relationship panel)

Thanks for the help
be aware though once the fury wears off  the relationship often turns to friendship .which depending on the story lin can be good or bad

Title: Thank You!
Post by: lovemysims on 2005 November 11, 20:14:59
I don't really want casual romance- my waterbed handles that and they might clash- but I have nightlife so I guess I will wait for the romance mod to be updates.

By the way I did mean red, and yes she was cheated on. It was an accident,  they had a visitor and I  had just put in lizzieloves waterbed. I was downstairs keeping after thier twin toddlers and keeping an eye on the nanny. I didn't realize until the twins had grown into kids ( a real day later) that something was wrong. She refused his kiss, so I checked the relationsip scren and sure enough
 but she fulfilled the ten kids want with him. Low and behold she has the memory of being cheated on, I was like with whoooo? he had the memory of woohooing with one of the older kids' teenage friend. Man was I in shock- But hey they got 16 Kids- she just has to get over it. So she's a big elixer drinker and she's been mad for most of this "adulthood" ???

Thanks for the help!

Title: Re: Hi!
Post by: veilchen on 2005 November 11, 21:04:14
Just in case you change your mind, lizzyloves casual woohoo stuff and JM's romance mod don't clash with TJ's mod at all. As a matter of fact, the last time I read it (it's been a while, but I don't think it's changed), he even recommended JM's romance mod to be used in conjuction with his mod. But that can be easily checked, because TJ is here now (yay...again).