More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: PirateFaafy on 2008 December 16, 00:42:09

Title: Holy crap, Guise
Post by: PirateFaafy on 2008 December 16, 00:42:09
Ok, ok, ok. So I go into buy mode and pick up a Grim-Phone to place it inside the house. I currently have doors selected, and accidentally press Ctrl. The phone disappears for a bit, but reappears when I let go of Ctrl. Seems normal, am I right? So I place it down and notice that it's still in the original location. The Grim-Phone has just been cloned. I start spazzing out and place about 7. They're all functional. I'm still thinking of fun things to do with this.

If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go make a Novel Shoppe business. This is going to be awesome.

ETA: Bollocks, cloning a novel just ends up with a book entitled "Book Title" set binding-down. That's rather unfortunate. Perhaps it might work if you wanted to sell a lot of books called "Book Title". If only there was a way to rename them post-publishing.

Title: Re: Holy crap, Guise
Post by: talysman on 2008 December 16, 00:48:39
Yeah, I haven't done it myself, but I've heard of all sorts of tricks that depend on cloning. Like, for example, someone once posted directions on making retarded sims: wait until after a sim has aged up, but before you get the pop-up message, clone the sim, then delete the original sim. The result is a toddler trapped in a child's body (or whichever age stages were involved.) Probably a VBT, though.

Title: Re: Holy crap, Guise
Post by: PirateFaafy on 2008 December 16, 01:36:28
As far as I know, mismatched ages Appearance:Actions isn't a particularly bad thing, and is corrected on age-up anyways. Of course, I'd wait for Pescadoian approval, first.

However, cloning Sims is simply a matter of turning MoveObjects on and then shift-dropping them. With this, you can do it to things which were intended to be picked up, but not duplicated, such as crafted items, career rewards (though that has slightly less point to it), etc. I just now made a business selling empty bowls. :D It's actually quite profitable. Then again, I have a highly trained staff of Bedazzlers selling these things for thousands of simoleons, but they're also very nice bowls.

Title: Re: Holy crap, Guise
Post by: talysman on 2008 December 16, 01:41:33
One point I could see for duplicating career rewards would be to clone the Execuputt, buy a comm lot, and create a miniputt golf course.

Title: Re: Holy crap, Guise
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 December 16, 05:01:25
I just now made a business selling empty bowls. :D It's actually quite profitable.
Feh. Sell the 2x2 aquarium from AL on Average with dazzle. Selling an average of sixteen per day, plus the economic rewards, I made over a million in ten days. Just finished a couple minutes ago.

Title: Re: Holy crap, Guise
Post by: zherok on 2008 December 16, 05:10:12
Thought the aquarium cube was 3x3? I have a hard time figuring out where the hell I'd place it in a home most of the time.

Title: Re: Holy crap, Guise
Post by: rufio on 2008 December 16, 05:51:34
ETA: Bollocks, cloning a novel just ends up with a book entitled "Book Title" set binding-down. That's rather unfortunate. Perhaps it might work if you wanted to sell a lot of books called "Book Title". If only there was a way to rename them post-publishing.

Awww.  Someone should make a mod that lets you mass-produce books that sims have written; after a while, everyone would have quite a collection in their bookshelves, and authors would have varying degrees of popularity across the hood.  As it is now, it's like they published them on Lulu or something. :P

Title: Re: Holy crap, Guise
Post by: fatkitty on 2008 December 16, 06:11:46
You can make copies of books using your sims inventory....

As soon as you get the book delivered, pause the game.
Go into buy mode and buy a table.
Put the book on the table and put it in your sims inventory.
Unpause for a second.
Pause again,
Take the table out,
take the book off,
put the table back in.
Unpause for a second.
Pause again and go back into inventory. There will be a book sitting on the table even though you've just taken it off.
So then you take the table out, book off, table back in, unpause, pause, table out, book off, table back in, unpause, pause....and so on until you have as many copies as you want.

Make sure you try it with something useless first like a plant or the Humble computer until you get the hang of it.

Title: Re: Holy crap, Guise
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 December 16, 06:43:31
Feh. Sell the 2x2 aquarium from AL on Average with dazzle. Selling an average of sixteen per day, plus the economic rewards, I made over a million in ten days. Just finished a couple minutes ago.
If you're trying to churn cash, don't bother selling on average, and certainly NEVER dazzle anything that is "Average". Average has positive buy delta, so there is no need to use an energy-draining action just to sell it. A hard sell is more than sufficient to push the meter up so that the bar will fill before it times out. Dazzle is only for Ridiculous Expensive+. Dazzle is what lets you sell Eau de Brynne for thousands of bucks.

Title: Re: Holy crap, Guise
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 December 16, 17:02:48
I'll remember that for the next time I need a mil quick. Which, honestly, won't be that long. I tend to forget about the upper pricing ranges as in other 'hoods I keep sims poor and hence sell things at Cheap so that businesses lose money for the first four or five levels.

Title: Re: Holy crap, Guise
Post by: jolrei on 2008 December 16, 17:54:31
Thought the aquarium cube was 3x3? I have a hard time figuring out where the hell I'd place it in a home most of the time.

The great benefit of BRY, customerselector and noplayableshoppers is that you can sell all you want and none of your playables need ever worry about where to place the item in their homes.

Title: Re: Holy crap, Guise
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 December 16, 19:35:28
And, when you marry them in, they bring $18k (approx) aquariums in their inventory. Six of 'em.

Title: Re: Holy crap, Guise
Post by: PirateFaafy on 2008 December 17, 23:49:18
Bah, you've almost convinced me to add noplayableshoppers back into my game. Unfortunately, I like making businesses for the playables to get to know each other.

But, why would you bother selling the aquariums? I made a business selling 20 000 dollar flamingos, and all it took was getting in there to dazzle quickly enough. I'll bet you could do that with batman boxes, too - they're sellable. It is fun.

Title: Re: Holy crap, Guise
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 December 17, 23:52:37
Bah, you've almost convinced me to add noplayableshoppers back into my game. Unfortunately, I like making businesses for the playables to get to know each other.
noplayableshoppers has a hook for customerselector, so you can still do both. No playables just becomes the default setting in the absence of the customer selector. It also prevents duelling, so that the EAxis spawner will shut down if you have the customerselector in. Otherwise, the two will fight, although the Customer Selector is programmed to win. :P

Title: Re: Holy crap, Guise
Post by: PirateFaafy on 2008 December 18, 02:10:47
Bah, you've almost convinced me to add noplayableshoppers back into my game. Unfortunately, I like making businesses for the playables to get to know each other.
noplayableshoppers has a hook for customerselector, so you can still do both. No playables just becomes the default setting in the absence of the customer selector. It also prevents duelling, so that the EAxis spawner will shut down if you have the customerselector in. Otherwise, the two will fight, although the Customer Selector is programmed to win. :P

Oh, well then. That sounds like fun. (By duelling, I assume you mean hack conflicts and not MOAR FIGHT. I like my fight.)

An interesting thing that I noticed was that the reporter was immune to the customer selector on my Teen hangout. Certainly the most logical thing to do, but it was kinda funny/creepy to see some middle-aged guy hanging around with the 12s. He was certainly easy to pinpoint and use Notovny's strategy on.

Title: Re: Holy crap, Guise
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 December 18, 11:00:59
Oh, well then. That sounds like fun. (By duelling, I assume you mean hack conflicts and not MOAR FIGHT. I like my fight.)
By "duelling", I mean that the EAxis spawner will continue to send random inappropriate sims that violate the selection rules, and the Customer Selector will immediately zap them. You probably won't even see it happen, but when it does happen, it will induce lag spikes. The Customer Selector IS designed to function under these conditions, but it will cause additional lag, and can be entirely avoided. It is not a cool kind of MOAR FIGHT.

An interesting thing that I noticed was that the reporter was immune to the customer selector on my Teen hangout. Certainly the most logical thing to do, but it was kinda funny/creepy to see some middle-aged guy hanging around with the 12s. He was certainly easy to pinpoint and use Notovny's strategy on.
Some specific NPCs appear to bypass the spawning vectors entirely, such as, yes, the reporter (intentionally) and the grand witches (will probably code a fix for them eventually to detect their spawners and nuke them).

Title: Re: Holy crap, Guise
Post by: Gwill on 2008 December 18, 14:07:33
Some specific NPCs appear to bypass the spawning vectors entirely, such as, yes, the reporter (intentionally) and the grand witches (will probably code a fix for them eventually to detect their spawners and nuke them).

Grand vampires, The Gypsy and damned Mrs. Crumplebottom!
I have some owned community lots, which is basically just a hideout for romance sims to own, to have secret dates, get away from their spouse and get public woohoo memories without too much fuss.  Unfortunately, Mrs. Crumplebottom still gets in (despite the lot being closed) and harasses my sims.
I'm almost tempted to add the visitor controller back in.

Title: Re: Holy crap, Guise
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 December 18, 16:18:57
But, why would you bother selling the aquariums? I made a business selling 20 000 dollar flamingos, and all it took was getting in there to dazzle quickly enough. I'll bet you could do that with batman boxes, too - they're sellable. It is fun.
Because I am stupid and forget about the higher price ranges. I don't normally do cheaty things (which I consider this to be) as in most of my 'hoods, I tax sims high (standard 10%/season, one 'hood is 20%/season) and allow selling only at Average or below.

I'll need another half million soon enough, so next's on Ridiculously Expensive. The family's "real" business only earns about $400/day as they have a reasonably-priced bookstore. They are now raking in interest on the original million, now up to 1.2mil with another couple hundred thousand liquid. In three sim days, they lose the original million to purchase the university. The rest of the money goes to nest-egg their five children, two of whom I'm tempted to axe because they were not pre-approved. Dumb Family sims.

Title: Re: Holy crap, Guise
Post by: PirateFaafy on 2008 December 21, 14:41:31
But, why would you bother selling the aquariums? I made a business selling 20 000 dollar flamingos, and all it took was getting in there to dazzle quickly enough. I'll bet you could do that with batman boxes, too - they're sellable. It is fun.
Because I am stupid and forget about the higher price ranges. I don't normally do cheaty things (which I consider this to be) as in most of my 'hoods, I tax sims high (standard 10%/season, one 'hood is 20%/season) and allow selling only at Average or below.

I'll need another half million soon enough, so next's on Ridiculously Expensive. The family's "real" business only earns about $400/day as they have a reasonably-priced bookstore. They are now raking in interest on the original million, now up to 1.2mil with another couple hundred thousand liquid. In three sim days, they lose the original million to purchase the university. The rest of the money goes to nest-egg their five children, two of whom I'm tempted to axe because they were not pre-approved. Dumb Family sims.

Usually, I find that No20KHandouts is a good thing to have, but sometimes you end up wanting babbys before you have the money to build a sproggery. So, sometimes I set up a bandatron at 10K per hour and have someone Practice Sales until they get a Gold badge and get a single person in, then close down the business. It's funny, because it actually took 4 dazzles to get someone into the house.

Prima: SO BUY IT

Of course, this can all be avoided if the Reporter comes.