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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Callista on 2008 December 09, 19:03:16

Title: Keeping toddlers warm/cool
Post by: Callista on 2008 December 09, 19:03:16
Just a note: I only got Seasons a week and a half ago. So I'm new to this. Meaning: probably newbie questions coming up.

I've been playing around with Seasons and the e-mail challenge. Timing kids so that the baby and toddler stages fall during spring or fall means it isn't actually a big problem; but if I set the seasons to some combination of winter and summer, I always lose the rugrat to the social worker before he grows to Child and I can cool him down or warm him up. (This would be even more of a challenge with e-mail+ethiopian, because most things that change a sim's temperature also involve running water or food. I'm going to try to tackle that next.)

Is it possible to raise or lower a toddler's temperature? If not, can you prevent him being taken by the SW? I was thinking, for winter, to put him in Outerwear and let him sleep on the floor so he doesn't have to change to PJs for bed... but the first day the temperature is extreme, he still gets too cold.

Does the nanny barricade thing still work?

Anybody have a full list of stuff that changes sims' temperature?

Obviously: lemonade, tomato juice, coffee, hot chocolate, showers (but not bathing toddlers), exercise, and the randomness of the weather. Those are the ones I know. I could be forgetting one or two.

I've read:,7656.0.html
but that's not specifically what I need...

Title: Re: Keeping toddlers warm/cool
Post by: Emma on 2008 December 09, 19:07:11
Just keep them indoors in a room with 4 walls and a roof (or tiles placed over the room). If you cannot place a ceiling lamp in the toddlers room then it is not heat/cold proof.

Title: Re: Keeping toddlers warm/cool
Post by: Callista on 2008 December 09, 19:10:01
Ah, yes, but when you are trying to play without walls or toilets, roofs become impossible...

Title: Re: Keeping toddlers warm/cool
Post by: Emma on 2008 December 09, 19:16:19
Oh, I see your problem :D

Title: Re: Keeping toddlers warm/cool
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 December 10, 06:29:27
Clothes worn has no effect on endpoint temperature behavior, so the outerwear thing is a nonstarter. As far as I know, there aren't really any methods that are useful in manipulating toddler temperatures, so you'll just have to time things so they don't fall during extreme seasons.

Title: Re: Keeping toddlers warm/cool
Post by: pbox on 2008 December 10, 07:38:45
Don't they get warm when they're being tossed in air? I think I remember having seen that .. I don't have any toddlers at hand (or a Seasons game) to test, though.

Title: Re: Keeping toddlers warm/cool
Post by: Gastfyr on 2008 December 11, 20:00:11
Can you target a todler with the Voodoo Doll?  lol  No idea if that item is even available in that challenge...

By the way, clothes really don't matter when it comes to temperature???   :o  I feel so...lied to.   :P  lol

Title: Re: Keeping toddlers warm/cool
Post by: funkilla on 2008 December 12, 01:33:30
As far as my understanding, the only thing outerwear does is slow down rate of freezing in cold temperatures, not preventing them freezing at all.

Title: Re: Keeping toddlers warm/cool
Post by: Callista on 2008 December 12, 02:17:07
That's my experience. It just doesn't slow it enough to make sure the kid lasts until the outside temperature is warm enough for him not to freeze.