More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: lingeringviolet on 2008 December 03, 05:04:09

Title: two issues with pets
Post by: lingeringviolet on 2008 December 03, 05:04:09
Hello all,

As the subject line says, I'm having two problems with my game regarding pets. I've searched here and other sites for possible solutions but was unable to find anything. It seems to me that I've seen something similar discussed here before (I'm an avid lurker) but I can't seem to find anything regardless of what words I plug into the search box. I would be extremely appreciative if any of you would be willing to help me.

I recently installed all the empty templates found in Peasantry and then restarted all the neighborhoods. After checking the proper folders to make sure it worked, I created ten families in Belladonna Cove and began to play Family 1. The first issue is that two strays appeared on the first day even though I'm using the latest version of the DC and nostrayrespawn. The second issue is that both family members rolled wants to be friends with the two pets, except the wants are to be friends with sims, not pets, like so:



These problems were happening before I installed the empty templates and restarted all the neighborhoods. I also removed my downloads folder, with the exceptions of the MATY, Simbology, default replacements and makeup subfolders. I planned to play without any CC except the bare necessities for awhile since I was starting all over and really digging the speedy loading times. Also, I have all EPs and SPs up to and including M&G Stuff.

All of that being said, I'm totally prepared for copious amounts of sporkage for being nonawesome. Thanks in advance for even reading this far.

Title: Re: two issues with pets
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 December 03, 05:09:43
Is the want satisfied if you become friends with the pet?

Title: Re: two issues with pets
Post by: lingeringviolet on 2008 December 03, 05:28:04
They were already pet best friends when the wants rolled up, but I went in game just now and used TJ's blender to reduce it to -20, had her yell at the dog to remove the friend stuff, then use the blender again to put it back half way and had her play with it until they became pet best friends again. No want fulfillment.

Title: Re: two issues with pets
Post by: BattyCoda on 2008 December 04, 14:49:03
I have seen the "be friends with pet" thing as well. It doesn't fulfill, but it will roll out eventually.