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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: queenbrat on 2008 December 01, 07:55:46

Title: Can I debug a whole lot?
Post by: queenbrat on 2008 December 01, 07:55:46
I have one family in AL that is giving me constant jumps for any activity they go to do - i.e. eat, sleep, etc.. Is it possible to debug a whole lot? It isn't just one family member on the lot either, it is all of them so I don't know what to do other than not play that family since it is so annoying.

Title: Re: Can I debug a whole lot?
Post by: akatonbo on 2008 December 01, 13:09:56
The tried-and-true non-technical method of fixing problems that are only occurring on a single lot is to move the Sims out of the problematic lot. Sometimes you can move them back into the same lot (the things that occur during move-out and move-in may fix the problem), sometimes they'll need a new one altogether.

However, since you are on MATY, before you do that you should be investigating whether any lot debugger options that only show up when they problem they are meant to fix is occurring are currently present on your lot debugger.

Title: Re: Can I debug a whole lot?
Post by: queenbrat on 2008 December 01, 16:24:13
I think moving the Sims out is the easiest idea.They are all teens now they can just go to college. I would like to try the lot debugger but really I don't know what the hell I am doing and freely admit it. lol  Thank you for the help.  :)

Title: Re: Can I debug a whole lot?
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 December 01, 16:38:57
I have one family in AL that is giving me constant jumps for any activity they go to do - i.e. eat, sleep, etc.. Is it possible to debug a whole lot? It isn't just one family member on the lot either, it is all of them so I don't know what to do other than not play that family since it is so annoying.
Are any other lots having issues? Your first solution in the case of an error is to take your hacks/cc out. Does the problem persist? If not, you know the fault is not with the lot but with custom content. Then you need to use the 50/50 method to find the problem file.

"Jumping" means erroring. If you find that the issue is with a hack from MATY, and you verify that you have the latest version, please enable debug mode by bringing up the cheat console and typing "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true". When an error comes up, make note of the file name and attach that file to a post.

Title: Re: Can I debug a whole lot?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 December 02, 05:34:26
I have one family in AL that is giving me constant jumps for any activity they go to do - i.e. eat, sleep, etc.. Is it possible to debug a whole lot? It isn't just one family member on the lot either, it is all of them so I don't know what to do other than not play that family since it is so annoying.
Log or it didn't happen.

Title: Re: Can I debug a whole lot?
Post by: queenbrat on 2008 December 02, 06:08:33
Since Zazazu reminded me how to do it I will try it, but no guarantees because I really don't know what I am doing here. Sometimes I think you all are speaking in a foreign language. Using hacks and mods is still fairly new to me. It wasn't that long ago that I was content with just the regular game. What was I thinking? lol

I could never go back to that, and the fact that Pescado and the others can make this stuff is amazing to me. You are truly awesome and I freely admit that.

I get jumps rarely on other lots and  since they are infrequent I haven't worried about it. The only thing this lot has that the other lots don't, is a servo. This lot was the first time I ever used a servo.

Title: Re: Can I debug a whole lot?
Post by: jolrei on 2008 December 02, 15:27:33
Jumps are errors.  Play with debug mode on so you can see how many you are getting and at what time (what triggers the error, for example).

By the way, have you ever moved, transferred, or loaded an occupied lot in or out of your current 'hood?  If you have, this might explain some of the borkiness.

Title: Re: Can I debug a whole lot?
Post by: queenbrat on 2008 December 02, 15:39:11
Yes, I have downloaded a few occupied lots before. Is that bad? I haven't loaded any occupied lots into AL though. I didn't realize downloading the occupied lots could mess up my game. I do need to play with debug mode and not forget how to do it like a dork.

Jolrei, I want you to  know I appreciate how helpful you are and your advice is always great. Thank you.

Pescado, Zazazu and Jolrei are truly awesome.

Title: Re: Can I debug a whole lot?
Post by: jolrei on 2008 December 02, 15:54:19
It all depends on the type of occupied lot that you downloaded.  Generally speaking, moving occupied lots between 'hoods is a very bad thing, since all sorts of delinked sim stubs from previous relationships get transferred without any reference points.  If you downloaded and installed a not properly cleaned occupied lot, this would ultimately cause your 'hood to go asplodie in a big fiery ball visible from space (BFBVFS).  If this is the case, your hood is doomed.

I can not say with complete confidence that this HAS happened to your 'hood, since the occupied lots you downloaded may have been cleaned, but the possibility exists.  My rule of thumb is to only install unoccupied lots and build/clone my own sims.