More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Lerf on 2008 November 24, 21:26:47

Title: No M&G folder
Post by: Lerf on 2008 November 24, 21:26:47
I just realized there's no Mansions and Garden Stuff folder in my EAGames folder, or anywhere on either of my hard drives.  Nor is there an EP9 folder. ???

It runs fine, finds everything as far as I can tell, but the folder just isn't there.  And I've got the show  hidden files option checked in my Control Panel File Options, so that's not the problem anyway.

I swear I've had more problems with this one stuff pack than I've had with all the rest of the game combined.   :P

Title: Re: No M&G folder
Post by: seelindarun on 2008 November 24, 21:59:14
Aren't you the one who started a thread in all caps about M&G being incompatible with AL, and then later discovered you had moved the EA Games folder yourself?

Trust me, the M&G folder is there.  Your comp can obviously find the executable since the game is running it.

Title: Re: No M&G folder
Post by: Lerf on 2008 November 24, 22:53:29
Yes I am.   And you've simplified the problem I had with installing, but that's ok, I'm used to it.  Junior High social dymanics rule here.

In this case I've run a search on both drives--no folder turns up on either the C: or F: drives.

FYI: the .exe file isn't in any of the folders on my HD for any EP or Stuff pack.  THey're on the CD unless you're using the no-CD crack.

So, does someone who actually has a CLUE have any suggestions. 

Title: Re: No M&G folder
Post by: Kyna on 2008 November 24, 23:22:26
Right click on the shortcut, click properties, then click "find target".

Disclaimer: I use XP and have never had Vista.

Title: Re: No M&G folder
Post by: Lerf on 2008 November 25, 00:07:13
Which gives me: "F:\Program Files\EAGames\TSBin\Sims2Launcher.exe"

OH, the Mansion and Garden uninstaller.exe is on there.  For all the other EPs and SPs it's in the folder. For M&G it's in the main Sims2 folder.  ANd there is an EP 9. exe it's in the TSbin in the EAgames folder  Apparently it has installed itself in the EAGames folder instead of Mansion and Garden Stuff Folder.

I was beginning to feel like someone who says their car is running fine only to discover that there's no engine under the hood.

Note: I know I did not tell it to install there. 

Title: Re: No M&G folder
Post by: seelindarun on 2008 November 25, 00:20:41
So you found the executable on your F: drive?  Isn't that the same place where you say you had searched before?

Look, you moved your folders to non-standard locations yourself.  You have your own computer in front of you.  Others do not.
How would we know where to find shit on your computer?

Title: Re: No M&G folder
Post by: Gwill on 2008 November 25, 00:35:11
I'm sure it did it all by itself.

Title: Re: No M&G folder
Post by: Kyna on 2008 November 25, 00:47:55
I think you are not as computer literate as you would like us to believe.

The information I gave that helped you solve your problem was very, very basic info on how to find where a program is running from.  My 12s (one of whom actually is 12) could have told you that.

FYI: the .exe file isn't in any of the folders on my HD for any EP or Stuff pack.  THey're on the CD unless you're using the no-CD crack.

FYI:  I only started using a No-CD when SecuROM was added.  The earlier EPs were all installed from the CDs that I purchased.  Each install - whether base game or EP - put an .exe file on my HD, and that's where the shortcut pointed to.

Seems like you have a weird computer, some would say it's unique.  Searching it fails to find the files that turn out to be right there.  When you installed your game & EPs apparently you didn't get .exe files put on your HD, unlike everybody else.

I must say your method of asking for help is about as unique as your computer.  When we provided helpful information, you got snarky with us and told us to get a clue.  Personally I think it's you who needs to get a clue.

Title: Re: No M&G folder
Post by: Lerf on 2008 November 25, 00:52:36
I ran a search on both drives before and again after I posted.  The only Mansion and garden files it came up with were something called Sims2 Mansion and Garden Stuff_code.exe and Sims2 Mansion and Garden Stuff_uninstall.exe  which were in the Support folder. NOTHING showed up on a search for EP9. The EP9.exe file is there now.  None of the rest showed up until just now.  I've run the game since the first post to double check that it was working.  All I can figure is that it generated this misplaced folder when I ran the game because it couldn't find the previous non-existant M&G folder.

I realize this is the board that jeered at, called names and made personal remarks about someone who posted a problem they had with their game on a mac.  When one of the competent technical people pointed out that the solution offered wouldn't work on a mac, half the people ignored it and continued the insults.  No one apologized.  I also note the fact that my problem was solved by someone who didn't get on and call me names.

So, yes, I erred.  I thought I could get a strange problem solved here.  I forgot that to 90% of the people here the only reason this board exists is to boost their egos by sneering at whoever looks vulnerable.  So, do, enjoy yourselves.  I'm sure you'll feel so proud.

Title: Re: No M&G folder
Post by: Kyna on 2008 November 25, 00:56:44
I also note the fact that my problem was solved by someone who didn't get on and call me names.

Yes, it's true.  I didn't call you names.  But I did point out that my 12 year old could have solved your problem, the information was so damn basic.  I also suggested you get a clue.

HINT: If you want people to do you a favour (i.e. to help you to solve your problem) I suggest you don't put them offside by being snarky with those who are trying to help you.

Title: Re: No M&G folder
Post by: Lerf on 2008 November 25, 01:01:03
I snark when I get snarked at. Your message consisted of saying, "HI, you are an idiot because I didn't read your other post all the way and therefore have the right to sneer at you."   

And you did not tell me to check my properties listing, you told me to do a search.  A search on the entire Fucking F: drive and another on the entire Fucking C: drive did not turn up those files the first three times I'd done it before I posted.

Title: Re: No M&G folder
Post by: Kyna on 2008 November 25, 01:13:02
I snark when I get snarked at. Your message consisted of saying, "HI, you are an idiot because I didn't read your other post all the way and therefore have the right to sneer at you."   

And you did not tell me to check my properties listing, you told me to do a search.  A search on the entire Fucking F: drive and another on the entire Fucking C: drive did not turn up those files the first three times I'd done it before I posted.

Please quote the post where I did that.  In the meantime I'll quote the helpful post *I* made.  That I now regret posting.

Right click on the shortcut, click properties, then click "find target".

Disclaimer: I use XP and have never had Vista.

Title: Re: No M&G folder
Post by: Lerf on 2008 November 25, 01:15:04
Aren't you the one who started a thread in all caps about M&G being incompatible with AL, and then later discovered you had moved the EA Games folder yourself?

Trust me, the M&G folder is there.  Your comp can obviously find the executable since the game is running it.

And there was and is no M&G folder there, BTW.

Title: Re: No M&G folder
Post by: Kyna on 2008 November 25, 01:17:52
I asked you to quote the post I made, since your reply to my post seemed to be directed at me.

I did not ask you to quote the post that seelindarun made.

Title: Re: No M&G folder
Post by: Inge on 2008 November 25, 10:14:53
The thing is, Lerf, there are three types of responses you could get when you ask for help with a problem that looks like basic computer illiteracy.  There are the very nice patient "we were all there once" type.  There are the reponses that are helpful and informative in that they do tell you how to solve your problem, but come laced with an overtone of impatience.  Then there are the non-responses from people who simply roll their eyes at the mess and move on to another more aware and interesting thread.   Don't snip at the people who actually bothered helping you, quietly despise those who couldn't be bothered, just as they are quietly rolling their eyes at you.

Title: Re: No M&G folder
Post by: Fat D on 2008 November 25, 11:09:51
The thing is, Lerf, there are three types of responses you could get when you ask for help with a problem that looks like basic computer illiteracy.  There are the very nice patient "we were all there once" type.  There are the reponses that are helpful and informative in that they do tell you how to solve your problem, but come laced with an overtone of impatience.  Then there are the non-responses from people who simply roll their eyes at the mess and move on to another more aware and interesting thread.   Don't snip at the people who actually bothered helping you, quietly despise those who couldn't be bothered, just as they are quietly rolling their eyes at you.
This is MATY. Failure is seen as a result of stupidity and merits pointing and laughing. If that offends you, maybe this is not the right place for you.

Title: Re: No M&G folder
Post by: IgnorantBliss on 2008 November 25, 15:19:25

This is MATY. Failure is seen as a result of stupidity and merits pointing and laughing. If that offends you, maybe this is not the right place for you.

The problem is that you also find a lot of smart people here, so the temptation to post about a problem might get bigger than the fear of being laughed at.

A reputation of being mean does not automatically give the right to be mean in the future. My husband uses that same excuse; When people get offended by him, he acts all confused, "But I told them I'm a jerk, they should have expected this".

Title: Re: No M&G folder
Post by: Inge on 2008 November 25, 15:57:14
So *you* are the Mrs Pescado?  I originally guessed Gwill, but that was apparently incorrect.

Title: Re: No M&G folder
Post by: Dea on 2008 November 25, 15:59:16
That's funny I don't see anyone calling you a "stoopidpoopyhead and, probably by this time, a liar". 

Title: Re: No M&G folder
Post by: IgnorantBliss on 2008 November 25, 17:12:04
So *you* are the Mrs Pescado?  I originally guessed Gwill, but that was apparently incorrect.

I won't admit that, but I do have a reasonable amount of experience with smart and arrogant guys, who I seem to be drawn to.  :P

Title: Re: No M&G folder
Post by: ingeli on 2008 November 25, 17:21:31
Isnt the M&G folder called EP9? Check for that.

Title: Re: No M&G folder
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 November 25, 18:16:50
The thing is, Lerf, there are three types of responses you could get when you ask for help with a problem that looks like basic computer illiteracy.
You only listed 2 types of response.

Then there are the non-responses from people who simply roll their eyes at the mess and move on to another more aware and interesting thread.
Yeah, I did that. I figured I'd check back to see if the sporking had started yet.

As for the general response here, remember:
Didn't you read the FAQ?

Title: Re: No M&G folder
Post by: Inge on 2008 November 25, 18:31:54
I did three!  One of them was the hidden eyeroll.