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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: eevilcat on 2008 November 23, 21:25:43

Title: Borked alien family trees
Post by: eevilcat on 2008 November 23, 21:25:43
I found out today that pollination technicians seem to missing from various family trees in my MATY Inverted 'hood. I haven't checked all households yet but for those I've looked at so far the 'normal' parent appears while the pollination technician doesn't. They must have disappeared with the second AL patch. I am running Fwiffo's multiple pollination hack which may make some difference, however ACR adjuster correctly lists the father of a newly pregnant sim's child as pollination technician #35.

So, am I alone having this happen to me? Is there some way I can fix the sims so that the family tree is displayed correctly? Ultimately I've no idea who is/was the various pollination tech 'fathers' to the multitude of alien spawn in the 'hood which means I could go randomly assigning them if need be.

Title: Re: Borked alien family trees
Post by: mildlydisguised on 2008 November 23, 22:44:35
I am using the same multiple pollination technician hack and have just installed M&G.  This appeared to update AL although I have no idea whether it gave p1 or p2 or something else entirely.  Anyway just checked the family tree of the one current abduction family and #13 is showing on there.  It may be that I haven't got p2 in my game though as I don't manually patch.

Title: Re: Borked alien family trees
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 November 23, 22:57:49
Double check and make sure all your pollination tech files are still in Downloads. Ages ago I installed an EP or SP and it deleted them. Now I just remove the entire Downloads folder.

Title: Re: Borked alien family trees
Post by: eevilcat on 2008 November 24, 06:31:27
That was the first thing I checked, all PT files are present.

Title: Re: Borked alien family trees
Post by: bloodredtoe on 2008 November 26, 19:18:22
Is there some way I can fix the sims so that the family tree is displayed correctly?

SimPE. I tested it and it works with fine with M&G. Just go to the family ties and fix 'em.
Nothing like that occured to my game, but then again I try to keep abduction rate under control and I don't really need extra PTs.