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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: jennydeenyc on 2005 November 09, 07:43:48

Title: clothing gone bad?
Post by: jennydeenyc on 2005 November 09, 07:43:48
Ran into yet another oddity with some custom content today that I'm hoping someone on here can help with. The first kid in my sim family transitioned to child and I immediately had her go online to buy a new outfit (using Monique's non-global hacked PC, updated for NL). Several custom t-shirts that functioned perfectly with the game before I had to reinstall and start over now turn the "mannequin" black from the neck down. I don't dare purchase the clothes to try to have my sim kid wear them, for fear of corrupting her data irreparably. I know losing a few shirts isn't a big deal, but since they had worked previously, it's a little annoying that they've gone all glitchy now. Also, I've noticed since the reinstall that my sims often get stuck in "run" mode, much more so than ever before. While it saves time on occasion, it also makes it hard to stop them from doing things in freewill mode that I might not want them doing. Any advice on these issues is appreciated.


Title: Re: clothing gone bad?
Post by: Shupinola on 2005 November 09, 14:01:26
I've had the going black thing both at a community lot and using JMs pile o' clothes dresser thing. I found that just changing to a different category and then back often changes his back as it should be, but it's happening with more frequency recently. Choosing the clothes that had displayed as black on the mannequin are OK in the game though - or at least they have been so far.

The other one I'm getting is that in Create-A-Family mode, I have a similar thing where the borders of the different sections go all odd and blocky, or turn into loads of very thin lines. Again, selecting a different category seems to (eventually) cure this. The annoying thing is that until NL, I never had any problems in these areas unless their was a corrupt clothing item and then the game would crash.

I'm not sure if it's NL or the patch that is the problem here because I only got NL a day or two before the patch came out. It could be a bad download, but so far, whatever I put on a Sim, it seems to be OK apart from those long Maxis shorts for teenage boys. If a male teen gets those as he age transitions, then they make the lower half of his body invisible and they are the same if you buy them in any of the normal ways. And it's all of those long shorts that do this any colour, so it has to be a fault with the EP.

Title: Re: clothing gone bad?
Post by: KellyQ on 2005 November 09, 15:18:54
I think the running thing might be related to Monique's computer, at least that is where I am experiencing it. In houses where I have the global pc after or while someone is using it either the sim who used the computer or their partner will start the running from place to place like their pants are on fire and they must accomplish whatever they're queued to do right now! It's kind of hilarious in a way but annoying because you know they are meant to be on hyperspeed like that. I'm also wondering if a "jumping" (sims jumping out of actions) problem that I'm having is related to this hack; I thought I had narrowed it down to the InSim causing it but I'm not entirely sure.
edited to add: I'm not sure about the clothing thing, I haven't had my sims use the online shopping option yet because I use JM's clothingtool but if I have a chance to try that out later tonight, I will let you know how it went. (sorry I'm at work now...stupid work)

Title: Re: clothing gone bad?
Post by: jennydeenyc on 2005 November 09, 16:42:19
Hmm, I really hope it isn't the PC causing the running, since I'd hate to have to give it up :-(

Another weird thing that happened last night is that when my family's second kid went from toddler to child, he turned out to have pointy ears! Neither parent has elven ears, so I dunno where he got that from. Mondo bizzaro indeed!

Title: Re: clothing gone bad?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 November 09, 16:50:57
I have the PC thing, but I just downloaded it the other day. My sims have been running around (only certain sims, though, it seems) for a while.

Title: Re: clothing gone bad?
Post by: LynnMar on 2005 November 09, 19:08:06
I don't have the p.c. but my sim kids run everywhere for about 2 days after they transition from toddlers.    How weird is that?     ;D

Title: Re: clothing gone bad?
Post by: yetyak on 2005 November 09, 19:43:47
A lot of my sim kids run too, but only if they aren't the only kid in the family.  I always figured they just wanted the best toys or food, or to be first in the bathroom!

Title: Re: clothing gone bad?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 November 09, 20:41:58
I've had the running kids since Uni!

As to the clothes, I've had no problems at all, but I don't use the hacked computer, only JM's pile-of-clothes.  Maybe the two are incompatible?

Title: Re: clothing gone bad?
Post by: simmiecal on 2005 November 09, 20:42:37
Hmm, I really hope it isn't the PC causing the running, since I'd hate to have to give it up :-(

Another weird thing that happened last night is that when my family's second kid went from toddler to child, he turned out to have pointy ears! Neither parent has elven ears, so I dunno where he got that from. Mondo bizzaro indeed!

I think it's the computer - at least in my game it is. The running like a nut started immediately after I installed the commputer (and that was the only "new" item that was introduced at that time).  While I also find the running a little annoying, I'll put up with it because there is too many good things on that computer to give it up.

Title: Re: clothing gone bad?
Post by: Shupinola on 2005 November 10, 02:31:02
One thing I've noticed is that if it's getting close to the time when a visitor leaves (it's much earlier for kids and teens now) and you've stacked up a load of social interactions when they decide to leave, the Sim will run after them to try and perform the next interaction. After that, they sometimes run everywhere for a few days, just like the way kids who have just transitioned from toddlers do. It's a bit odd to see them running everywhere for a while, but it eventually cancels out. I've not had them get stuck though.

When anyone gets stuck, I use the 'Force Error'/'Reset' option from boolprop testingcheatsenabled true and this gets them back to normal every time. It also cancels out the running thing when it gets on my nerves.

Title: Re: clothing gone bad?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 November 10, 02:36:45
I don't mind them running, wish they'd do it more often!  As it is in a large lot it can take half the evening just to go to the bathroom!

Title: Re: clothing gone bad?
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 10, 03:11:28
I don't mind them running, wish they'd do it more often!  As it is in a large lot it can take half the evening just to go to the bathroom!
I dont have either hack in my game and my sim kids get in modes where they run everywhere after transitioning from toddlers to kids

Title: Re: clothing gone bad?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 November 10, 09:02:14
I think it's just one of those things - I think they're actually supposed to when they first transition, but with active ones it wears off more slowly - usually when the schoolbus arrives, so if they transition on Friday evening, they keep running until Monday morning!

Title: Re: clothing gone bad?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 November 10, 12:06:17
My adults have been occasionally running for periods of time. I got a kick out of Justin spazzing all over the place at my every command one day. "Gotta go play red hands. NOW! Gotta go tell a joke. NOW! Gotta go mop up a puddle. NOW!"  Like he had over macro-caffeinated himself, or something. :D

Title: Re: clothing gone bad?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 November 10, 12:08:21
And don't they get through a lot of stuff!  That's the time for someone else to influence him to garden!

Title: Re: clothing gone bad?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 November 10, 12:11:10
I know, lol. It looks a lot like when I tell them to macroclean or macrogarden and they zip zip zip all over the place.

Title: Re: clothing gone bad?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 November 10, 15:30:10
Of course, since you use macrotastics you don't need to influence him to do anything!  (Except maybe slow down and take a rest LOL! ;D)

Title: Re: clothing gone bad?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 November 10, 15:33:10

Title: Re: clothing gone bad?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 November 10, 15:48:19
Don't you do anything for yourself?

Title: Re: clothing gone bad?
Post by: MutantBunny on 2005 November 10, 16:03:37
I don't have the hacked PC, but I Do have the black body from the neck down. I think it's a clothing file., maybe Danny's Girls clothing file, but I'm not sure yet. Still chasing.

Title: Re: clothing gone bad?
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 11, 00:24:46
I think it's just one of those things - I think they're actually supposed to when they first transition, but with active ones it wears off more slowly - usually when the schoolbus arrives, so if they transition on Friday evening, they keep running until Monday morning!
I think your'e right because I have noticed that the running stops after a couple of sim days

Title: Re: clothing gone bad?
Post by: C.S. on 2005 November 11, 12:10:09
I also have Monique's computer, but i haven't tried buying clothes on it yet. I'm back to playing the Uni part currently, and I have Allegra Gorey and Jane Stacks running to do everything now, but it happened only after I fulfilled their wants to throw a Toga party. I thought they were just psyched up over having had roof raiser parties, because there were 4 other sorority sisters living on the lot and they didn't run like crazy after 2 consecutive days of party throwing - it was kind of a reward for their hardwork after spending a whole day doing nothing else but filling up their academic bars.

I liked the running very much, as I don't have the Young Adult Walk & Lazy Animations Fixes installed, and having those 2 serve a meal is a breeze, 'cos they run to set the table with the well-cooked food too. Very efficient ;D.

Title: Re: clothing gone bad?
Post by: schmoopee on 2005 November 11, 13:45:51
my sim kids run everywhere for about 2 days after they transition from toddlers

Mine do that too - weird indeed. It just seems to wear off eventually, no one action seems to "fix" it. Maybe sleeping, I dunno, I never really take note of when it stops, but eventually notice that they're not running anymore.

Title: Re: clothing gone bad?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 November 11, 15:18:22
Seems to me it happens quite often if you change their queue, or stop them doing an autonomous action.

Title: Re: clothing gone bad?
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 11, 15:38:48
Seems to me it happens quite often if you change their queue, or stop them doing an autonomous action.
I have a sim kid who Just got help with her home work from her Uncle and now she is running everywhere! no clue why as her twin sister had help frm a different uncle and isnt running

Title: Re: clothing gone bad?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 November 11, 15:43:35
Perhaps one uncle was more inspirational?

Title: Re: clothing gone bad?
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 11, 15:49:15
Perhaps one uncle was more inspirational?
who Knows the kid who is running was helped by Her Romance sim Uncle . the one who isnt was helped by her Uncle  who is a Pleasure sim.Maybe the Romance uncle was was tutoring his niece in Romance as well ;D

Title: Re: clothing gone bad?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 November 11, 16:01:51

Title: Re: clothing gone bad?
Post by: Issy on 2005 November 12, 00:28:40
And don't they get through a lot of stuff!  That's the time for someone else to influence him to garden!

Off topic but I noticed that a couple of my sims always get the "Influence someone to garden" want almost everyday - weird thing is there is no plants at all  ???

Bug perhaps? or do I need to plant something just to get rid of the silly want?

Title: Re: clothing gone bad?
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 12, 01:49:05
And don't they get through a lot of stuff!  That's the time for someone else to influence him to garden!

Off topic but I noticed that a couple of my sims always get the "Influence someone to garden" want almost everyday - weird thing is there is no plants at all  ???

Bug perhaps? or do I need to plant something just to get rid of the silly want?
Ive had that want rolled on a lot with no plants and worse yet only 1 sim living there. my solution I put in a single flowere bed  and when my sim saw a neighbor I had him stop the neighbor chat abit then influence the neighbor to water the lone flower bed. it worked the want went away. Sims can be less than intelligent with their actions as well case in point I had My Sim Brad Harper Check out Bella Goth  his reaction was MEH!! so I said ok how about making her a best friend well he told her a joke and I panned the camera over to listen to one of the visitors who was on the Karaoke machine sounding really good and disovered it was  My sim Justin  who is maxed in creativity skills no wonder he was  singing well.I panned the camera back to my Playable sim Brad and the very same sim he had said Meh about a minute ago he was Kissing up the arm autonomously.mind you there is zero chemistry between Bella and Brad  but they autonomously Fall in love that is till I unclicked the hearts and crush in Sim Pe and left them as best friends instead.Bella being a Romance Sim wants to woohoo with twenty different Sims. if Brad wants to woohoo with her I dont care but she is not going to be his girlfriend with no chemistry between them

Title: Re: clothing gone bad?
Post by: ilikefishfood on 2005 November 13, 17:09:40
Sims do run around after using MOnique's computer.  She lists it as a known issue.........but (and this is weird, but it works).....send 'em to use the toilet and they stop running.  Go figure!

The kids running after transitioning from toddlers is a whole other buggy Maxis thing.  I used to get that even in the pre-uni days.

Title: Re: clothing gone bad?
Post by: ilikefishfood on 2005 November 13, 18:01:03
But back to the topic at hand.........the mannequins showing up in black......and sometimes...........(oh this just sucks!).......the game'll crash on me when I'm picking clothes.  Without warning!  Clothes that I've sucessfully bought for other Sims.  I just reinstalled NL and patched it, so the game itself can't be's defintely bodyshop file-related.  I tried removing all my newer downloaded clothing and bodyshop meshes, and it still happens randomly.  Is it possible that older clothing has become corrupted?  I'm stumped.

If anyone knows how to translate those gibberish mean 'error logs', I had boolproptestingcheats enabled for a couple of the above-mentioned random crashes (btw, it doesn't always happen).  I can attach one if anyone's willing to try to make sense of it.