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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: xoferew on 2008 November 15, 20:03:35

Title: Outings baffle me
Post by: xoferew on 2008 November 15, 20:03:35
Sim A calls my sim inviting him on an outing.  Sure.  While I'm pondering whether I'm supposed to call the taxi or if it will come automatically, Sim B calls, inviting my sim on an outing.  Is this the same outing?  Am I screwing something up by saying yes?  Suddenly the outing fun meter pops up.  How is it an outing if I don't go out?  Within ten seconds it goes from so-so to red frowny face and Sim C, who was already visiting on the lot, tells me he's glad that's over, now he's free to have fun with someone who is actually fun.  I was still trying to figure out if I need to call the taxi.   :-\

Immediately the phone rings again with an outing request from Sim D.  Sure, why not.  Now the taxi pulls up, so my befuddled sim gets in.  I pick the downtown destination and he gets out of the taxi with Sim D or maybe E.  I can't even remember.  Sim D/E almost immediately tells me the date is over, maybe we'll do it again some time.  Is "date" another word for "outing"?  Because no one asked anyone on a date.  I guess he left because it was after 9 pm and he is a teen?  Then why did he invite me in the first place?  Or did he?  I know I didn't invite him.   ???

Is this normal?

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: Ellatrue on 2008 November 15, 20:14:34
No, not normal. This is WTF?

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 November 15, 20:34:58
OUtings baffle me, too, mostly because it's a total mystery what on earth you're supposed to do normally. The only conclusion I've drawn is that you should always organize your OWN groups, NEVER accept called ones, because they'll contain godknowswho, of which 2 or 3 of them will be babies and just lie there uselessly in the road, and the remaining sims in the group will just stand around and complain and never do anything.

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 November 15, 21:22:49
Babies? WTF?

I always take calls for outings, though I don't get them in this 'hood due to having no Downtown. Instant contacts, and as long as you interact with each person once, then end it, it will end positively. I've never had an invitee be anything other than teen, adult, or elder. And I've never had more than one sim call at a time.

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: sewinglady on 2008 November 15, 21:38:15
Yes. Babies. I'm with our fearless leader on this one - I never allow a sim to accept an outing if called in. Only if I arrange it via their groups.

First time I had the 'baby in the road' thing I was worried that the baby would never get back home, but it somehow managed to still be lying its crib next time I played that household. whew.

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: seelindarun on 2008 November 15, 23:14:01
I'm with Zazazu.  If the sim in question needs the friends (or the gifts) I do outings.  I only accept one at a time though, and yeah you have to call your own taxi, walk or whatever 'cause you get to choose the venue.  Never had babies.  The outcomes tend to be much more variable than your own outings, but there is so little disaster or ruin in the game, may as well do them for lulz.

If I really need to milk outings for the gifts, then I try to keep the group's size manageable, 4 or so.  You can ask anyone to leave the group, and doing so will often bump the meter!  Apart from that, it's all about getting STR points among the playable sim and all the attendees.

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: Gastfyr on 2008 November 15, 23:36:02
You people getting babies in outing groups must have tight pants or somehing.   :P  I nearly always accpet these invites and I have never seen anyone younger than a teen in the group.  Never.  And teens all leave if it's past cerfew.  lol

I'm guessing the reason the game borked for xoferew has something to do with accepting two outings at the same time.

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: funkilla on 2008 November 16, 03:30:11
Sounds similar to the headmaster bug. I'd investigate it if I knew wtf I was doing or looking for.

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: keirra on 2008 November 16, 03:57:26
You people getting babies in outing groups must have tight pants or somehing.   :P 

It must be "or something". I find it hard to believe that Pescado has tight pants.  :D

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: coralleane on 2008 November 16, 08:52:39
I can't remember if I've ever had more than one outing offered at a time, although while I was playing yesterday I had one household which had four offers of dates/outings in a row (all turned down, though!).  I normally only accept suggested outings for popularity/romance Sims who need to meet people or who are always rolling wants to socialise.. I use self-organised outings for Sims who need to up their relationship with several people, especially if it's a large household because it means I don't need to worry about the other Sims while I'm at it!  I'll occasionally get the highest outcome (Rockin'?), but as long as it's a positive end I'm not really too fussed.

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: talysman on 2008 November 16, 08:55:18
He probably has '80s hair, too.

As for outings, I've mainly accepted invites, only trying to organize one myself once (for an engagement party.) Never had much trouble. However, at the time, there were no playable sims below 12, so I didn't see any "babies in the road" issues. Barring such evidence, but admitting that, hey, this is EA we're talking about, I'd say that accepting outing invitations is OK in a relatively-fresh neighborhood, mainly as a way to quickly meet new people. After the first several outings, however, switch to playable-organized outings for special occasions only -- like forcing potential deadly enemies to meet in public.

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: Marhis on 2008 November 16, 09:40:20
LOL, it happens to me, too, sometimes (although not always). As soon as I install a new EP, next outing includes a baby or a toddler, event that automagically ceases to happen with the following patch  ::).

It doesn't seems to be a check in the code, like "is this sim already invited at an outing?", so after 6 p.m. random outing invitations will cancel each other and messing up the whole thing. Plus, the taxi issue is messed up as well, given that sometimes the call includes an automatic transportation call, sometimes not. I tried some time ago to look in that part of code but I gave up, 'cause it's seriously messed up.
And if you decline the second (third, fourth, etc.) invitation, it will cancel all the others, too.

So far, the only "solution" I found out was to have the invited playable own his own car; in this case he will head straight to that paying no attention to further calls.

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: xoferew on 2008 November 16, 17:08:29
Good, I'm reassured to hear that this bizarre situation is fairly normal.  The next day I noticed that different sims in my family had the blue overlay relationship boost thing for the various people who had called for outings, so the caller was intending to call a specific sim but then invited whoever the hell answered the phone, and then gave the relationship boost to the person they hadn't even spoken with.  I guess. 

The next day this child called for an outing:

Then he immediately turned himself down, perhaps because of the time.  However, I've had children ask an adult on an outing, stay with him until late in the night, and the next day come around to deliver a Mr. Bearlybutts chair.   It was wealthy children and a poor adult, and I couldn't shake the feeling that they were using him for some disgusting perversity. 

Also, similar to what Mr. Pescado mentioned, I have had toddlers crawling around the Crypt-o-night Club.
I'll just go back to refusing outings, and thus avoid the Underaged Predators of the Night.

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: GayJohnScarritt on 2008 November 17, 07:24:06
   The only time i've ever tried accepting an outing invitation, a total of 10 different townie's got out of the taxi when they arrived at the bowling alley.  I blame Neko for that, as i had just finished reading one of her Clown Car chapters.

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: spaceface on 2008 November 17, 15:14:22
Right, I am going to start accepting outings as of now. I want to see what those toddlers are really doing at the night clubs...

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 November 17, 15:46:10
Well, mostly, they crawl around aimlessly, due to lack of anything to do, cry a lot, and soil themselves. Much like any other baby one brings out of the house, which is why you don't do it in real life, either.

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: jolrei on 2008 November 17, 18:31:22
Right, I am going to start accepting outings as of now. I want to see what those toddlers are really doing at the night clubs...

I want to see the "taxi is a clowncar" thing.  Must try this.

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 November 17, 20:00:04
The most invitees I've had was 12. I brought them to a restaurant, too, and of course there wasn't a table big enough (small restaurant with only 10 seats total). I had to cheat a bit and put in a huge table I had but never used in order to seat them all, in the courtyard.

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: Ellatrue on 2008 November 17, 20:21:33
I've never had anyone younger than a teen, either. I generally accept outings if my sim needs friends for work. You get the +20 contact bonus with the random people it chooses, IIRC.

I think the baby thing must be some sort of bug.

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: sewinglady on 2008 November 17, 21:19:09
I dunno anything about 'tightpants'...I have had the babies on outings things for a loooong time.

Oh, look...I do still have the photo of the first incident of this. Uploaded January 12, 2007 - so it's been going on at least that long. And I'm pretty sure that neighborhood went kerblooie when I installed Seasons...


Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: Gwill on 2008 November 18, 10:52:04
Where are these babies coming from?  Are they playable sims?  Orphans?
I've never seen either babies nor toddlers on outings, but I have had those double-booking phone calls.
It seems outing invitations always occur at the same time, and so does date invites, so you can get a whole bunch in a row, even if you've already accepted one.
Your date gets very upset and feels stood up if you accept an outing at the same time.

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: Theo on 2008 November 18, 11:04:40
In my case they're playables, and related to one of the outing's sims. I've also had children making invitations to outings, which promptly leave upon arrival, if it's a night outing.

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: spaceface on 2008 November 18, 11:21:49
I am planning a community lot creche now, just in case.

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: Tyyppi on 2008 November 19, 10:46:39
I also get the clown car taxis. Never had babies or childrens in the group though.

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: Gwill on 2008 November 19, 20:01:55
Clown car taxies is nothing.  I once had a sim go to an outing in a (CC) Harley with the whole outing stacked on it.

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: tgcgoddess on 2008 November 20, 17:33:28
Clown car taxies is nothing.  I once had a sim go to an outing in a (CC) Harley with the whole outing stacked on it.


Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: Clutzy on 2008 November 20, 17:43:27
My Outings are always odd for my Sims. They will range either from just one other sim to suddenly six. Thankfully that first Outing call tends to be quite small. I've had the children show up before, but thankfully never infants and very, very occasionally toddlers. Either way, unless its a very small group, the Sims are just never pleased it seems when going on an Out. I tend to have my Sim avoid them, with the exception of ulterior motives for Outings.

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 November 21, 08:39:47
One important reason I always decline is that the outing call simply doesn't offer enough information to make a reasonable, informed decision to do it. Better to go with the safe option.

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: Hitch on 2008 November 21, 23:38:33
Clown car taxies is nothing.  I once had a sim go to an outing in a (CC) Harley with the whole outing stacked on it.


I've never had it with a motorcycle, but a two seat convertible. driver and passenger get out, then new sim appears in passenger seat and gets out, then another, and another, repeat until the "fun bar" is in the red and everyone storms off complaining about the lousy time. (All of which was spent getting out of the car.)

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: nanacake on 2008 November 28, 22:36:45
Is there a shiny to stop the outing madness?  My romance sim first met of his 5 illegitimate children from his girlfriend at the nightclub sidewalk. Was wondering why that happened :)

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: Orange Indigo on 2008 November 29, 02:19:00
No one is forcing you to accept the outings.
Unless your game is actually forcing you.
In which case, there's something wrong.

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: nanacake on 2008 November 29, 04:32:51
Ah well I meant to *fix* it, so babies and kids won't appear, and only sims that actually know your sim will call?

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: Witches on 2008 November 29, 14:44:20
Actually, the double outing invite happens to me quite a bit, usually if I have more than one eligible sim on a lot. The way I avoid trouble is never accept more than one invite. Lately, since AL my sims have gotten "thanks a lot for standing me up" if they do anything, even autonomously, before the cab arrives. So I agree that taking your own car is probably safest.

Also, sometimes with outings I have to call the taxi, and sometimes I don't. The game is definitely screwy.

I often get children on outings. I immediately ask them to leave because the last thing my adult sims want are bratty little simlets calling them on the phone. One of my sims always gets Marcia whats-her-name but has avoided actually meeting her (whew) because he asks her to leave the group. Apparently that doesn't count as meeting her.

I've only had one toddler recently, and boy did he pick the wrong tree to bark up (up which to bark?).


My advice is, if you've already said yes, don't say yes again, and if the taxi doesn't arrive call one for yourself, or better yet, always take your own car (if possible).

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: Marhis on 2008 November 29, 19:41:20
My advice is, if you've already said yes, don't say yes again, and if the taxi doesn't arrive call one for yourself, or better yet, always take your own car (if possible).

But if you say no, first outing is canceled (talking about borkiness... eh) anyway; better again, send if possible another sim to answer the phone, and when the moron asks if sim xxx is available, say no. So far, it's the only way I found out to not scramble somehow the outing.

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: witch on 2008 November 29, 20:14:02
I like realism in my game, so I leave the phone turned off - just like in real life.  :D

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: queenbrat on 2008 December 01, 12:03:47
Are these babies different than that New Years baby? I've gotten him or her a few times and really not sure what was going on there.

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: Orange Indigo on 2008 December 01, 18:07:23
New Year's baby is an NPC that shows up at a New Year's Party.
They're talking about the babies and/or toddlers of their playable sims showing up on their outings.

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: Menaceman on 2008 December 01, 22:06:45
I rarely use outings at all. Since I very rarely initiate any, I very rarely get invited on them either.
I loaded Ajay Loner yesterday to find that he was just about to go on a date with Bella. (I'd forgotten as it's been a long time since I've played Strangetown) The following day Bella phoned up again to ask for another date. I declined as Ajay was tired. As soon as he hung up the phone a child rang to see if he wanted to go on an outing seeing as Ajay had gotten on with 'his friend' Bella so well.
I declined that one as well.
I've never had toddlers or babies arrive on outings before but I do remember MAXIS/EA actually listing it as a bug that was supposedly fixed with one of their 'patches'.

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: Witches on 2008 December 02, 01:46:17
My advice is, if you've already said yes, don't say yes again, and if the taxi doesn't arrive call one for yourself, or better yet, always take your own car (if possible).

But if you say no, first outing is canceled (talking about borkiness... eh) anyway; better again, send if possible another sim to answer the phone, and when the moron asks if sim xxx is available, say no. So far, it's the only way I found out to not scramble somehow the outing.

Huh. That's never happened to me. If I say no to the second outing and then go to a community lot the first outing usually works out just fine.

I find outings pretty boring, although I do have one vampire who gets in a fight nearly every time, which usually means his outings "rock" or whatever the top rating is. It's fun, too, kicking some ass. He especially hates Mr. Big. They go at it all the time. Hilarious. (Must be sublimating something . . . ) That guy's surprisingly tough for a poofda in a smoking jacket. Once in a while, of course, getting in a fight backfires and then I get the bottom of the ratings and everyone's pissed off for a while. But one thing my vamp never is, is boring.

Can't say that for a lot of sims, unfortunately, and I don't really want them all to be brawlers . . .As far as I can tell an outing's only point is to help your sim meet more people. I do like it when the in-laws ask a sim out after they've gotten engaged: that at least seems realistic and helps them meet their future family.

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: queenbrat on 2008 December 02, 03:45:11
No, I am saying that my New Year's baby is what shows up when I have outings. I've never gotten a regular baby. All of it's a little weird though. lol

Title: Re: Outings baffle me
Post by: PirateFaafy on 2008 December 06, 01:38:06
OUtings baffle me, too, mostly because it's a total mystery what on earth you're supposed to do normally. The only conclusion I've drawn is that you should always organize your OWN groups, NEVER accept called ones, because they'll contain godknowswho, of which 2 or 3 of them will be babies and just lie there uselessly in the road, and the remaining sims in the group will just stand around and complain and never do anything.

This is one of the funniest things I've read all day.

I once had a romance Sim call up one of his girlfriends and ask her on an outing. SEVENTEEN of his current loves were there too. ACR took its toll and HILARITY ENSUED. Seriously, is that guy bloody daft?