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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: twojeffs on 2005 November 08, 21:52:17

Title: Twojeffs PC Meltdown
Post by: twojeffs on 2005 November 08, 21:52:17
I was going to post this in my forums, but thought it might be seen by more people here.

I had a major pc meltdown over the weekend that I am still trying to get completely fixed. It's running again, but still scattered all over my desk waiting to be put back together. What really sucks is that the master file tables on both of my hard drives got corrupted during all this, so I've basically lost everything since my main backups were done on the second hard drive.

So if you've been waiting around for an update to one of my hacks, you'll be waiting a good while longer because now I have to start over on everything I was working on. I'll also be kinda scarce on the boards for a few more days as I'll be reinstalling everything and getting set back up.

Also, I just got Civ IV, so that's going to suck up a lot of my time as well.  ;D

Title: Re: Twojeffs PC Meltdown
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 November 08, 21:55:20
Also, I just got Civ IV, so that's going to suck up a lot of my time as well.  ;D

Great. Pescado's off conquering the galaxy, and now TwoJeffs is conquering the world. And his computer.

Isn't modern technology wonderful?

Title: Re: Twojeffs PC Meltdown
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 November 08, 21:58:31
Oh sorry to hear this hope for you it will be fix soon (and a little bit for us too  :P) , so finally it happened that someone Sims 2 game burst into a huge bubble that we can see from outa space!  :o

P.S. I would love to have your comments later on Civ IV, I was a big fan of the 1st version which I played for 2 years.  I also love Age of empire 2 and I just heard (yeah I know it is old news) that Age 3 is out now.

Title: Re: Twojeffs PC Meltdown
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 November 08, 22:11:52
Hope you didn't lose too much of your downloads!

Title: Re: Twojeffs PC Meltdown
Post by: gypsylady on 2005 November 08, 22:13:15
Sorry to hear this Twojeffs I hope you get it sorted out soon

Title: Re: Twojeffs PC Meltdown
Post by: Regina on 2005 November 08, 22:16:50
Well that just stinks, doesn't it?  I see you've got your priorities straight--get the internet access back up right away.  ;D  Actually, I'm not laughing at you--been there so many stinkin' times myself, the latest run last spring because of eBay's wonderful little listing program which kept toasting my PC.

Anyway, I'm wishing you all the best and yes, DO let us know how Civ IV is!  I'd love to hear something favorable like that it's almost exactly like Civ II but with cooler graphics, etc.  I have Civ III and have never been able to get into it like I did Civ II.  And that really aggravated me because my sister paid good money to get that for me for Christmas because it was the only thing I could think of I really THOUGHT I wanted that year.

Title: Re: Twojeffs PC Meltdown
Post by: Andygal on 2005 November 08, 22:23:13
I'm sorry to hear about your computer troubles. Seems there is a lot of people having computer troubles this week. My dad's motherboard died on Saturday. He should be getting his brand NEW computer today though. He wanted to buy a new one but not quite yet lol.

Title: Re: Twojeffs PC Meltdown
Post by: katemonster on 2005 November 08, 22:34:59
So my nightclubs are going to remain populated solely by withered, hobbling ancients, and I'm going to see "Greetings, my dearie..." enough times that I just throw my computer off the balcony.

Today is a sad day.

A pox on ye, twojeffs' computer!

Title: Re: Twojeffs PC Meltdown
Post by: idtaminger on 2005 November 08, 22:42:35
A pox on ye, twojeffs' computer!

Hopefully not, cuz goodness knows we all need his computer up and running as soon as possible, and to stay that way.

Title: Re: Twojeffs PC Meltdown
Post by: baratron on 2005 November 08, 22:54:36
Yikes! :-\

Ah well, we'll just have to wait impatiently for a bit longer. I'll get one of Motoki's evil nannies to spank anyone who moans at you for not updating.

Title: Re: Twojeffs PC Meltdown
Post by: SaraMK on 2005 November 08, 22:58:36
I'm sorry to hear that, Twojeffs. My computers (all four of them) get broken on a regular basis, and then my entire room is strewn with parts as I try to figure out what the heck is wrong. It sucks. I hope you get it sorted out. And enjoy your new game. :)

Title: Re: Twojeffs PC Meltdown
Post by: Motoki on 2005 November 08, 23:01:21
Well that sucks. For you I mean, us greedy SOBs can wait for our hacks.

I know you should always make backups of your computer files and I try to fairly frequently, but why does it seem like something always goes wrong when you haven't made a backup. Why don't computers ever melt down 5 minutes after you've backed up all your files? It's a conspiracy I tell ya!

Well, it might give you an excuse to get some new hardware. I always use computer meltdowns as excuses to get new and better parts. ;)

Oh and yes my nannies are quite happy to spank, slap, and kick anyone and everyone's asses. They all have 0 niceness.

Title: Re: Twojeffs PC Meltdown
Post by: rohina on 2005 November 08, 23:21:00
Sorry to hear about the meltdown, twojeffs, especially since I got Civ IV last week and now I am dying to hear what other people think of it. I think it's good, but it's not compelling. I mean, my husband said to me the night he bought it for me "my god, you actually came to bed at a reasonable hour."  :D

Title: Re: Twojeffs PC Meltdown
Post by: simmiecal on 2005 November 08, 23:22:19
Sorry to hear about the computer meltdown. I hate when things like that happen.  Well, I'll be waiting patiently for you to get things up and running.  (And since I just got CIV4 also, I will be distracted and not notice the delay.... ;D )

Title: Re: Twojeffs PC Meltdown
Post by: LynnMar on 2005 November 08, 23:35:12
sorry to hear about your computer, that stinks.   I hope you will be up and running again soon.

I may be getting ready to have one myself, my computer is three years old and the fan sounds like a jet engine at times.   ;D

Title: Re: Twojeffs PC Meltdown
Post by: SickPuppy on 2005 November 08, 23:43:06
Sorry to hear it. Have you tried using a data recovery program like GetDataBack?

It will recover your files even if your master table is fubar...probably will suck up the better part of a day to get everything out. Works great in my experience.

Luck :)

PS-you'll need a different harddrive to move your data to

Title: Re: Twojeffs PC Meltdown
Post by: Baddmark on 2005 November 09, 00:09:22 has always been a good site for the lowdown on Civ. Plenty of good mods and tutorials too.

Title: Re: Twojeffs PC Meltdown
Post by: Hairfish on 2005 November 09, 00:36:17
<<Bestows high-test coffee sprinkle blessing upon twojeff's computer, exorcising gremlins and giving all hard disk sectors that Windex Shine.>>

Title: Re: Twojeffs PC Meltdown
Post by: Regina on 2005 November 09, 00:54:14 has always been a good site for the lowdown on Civ. Plenty of good mods and tutorials too.

You're right!  But darn, I can't tear myself away from here long enough to go check! LOL

Actually, I am going to go take a quick peek.  I went on a bit of a download spree today between tidying the house and still need to get some old stuff out of my game I no longer want before adding the new stuff but will take a quick look and see if I can get the general consensus.  :)

Title: Re: Twojeffs PC Meltdown
Post by: Inge on 2005 November 09, 08:24:41
What really sucks is that the master file tables on both of my hard drives got corrupted

You didn't have CEP3 smuggled into your boot sector did you??

Well enjoy CivIV whatever that is.  The point of leisure time is to enjoy it, and you shouldn't do Sims stuff from an "ought to" feeling, only when it feels like fun.

Is the time span to adding the prisoner detection stuff to your hack likely to be long enough that I should try and make something for it myself?  I didn't want to in case it clashed for people who want your hack too, or on the other hand would you be ok about me downloading yours as far as it has got and adding that bit myself, and offer it as an adapted alternative?

Title: Re: Twojeffs PC Meltdown
Post by: Shupinola on 2005 November 09, 13:18:27
Anyway, I'm wishing you all the best and yes, DO let us know how Civ IV is!  I'd love to hear something favorable like that it's almost exactly like Civ II but with cooler graphics, etc.  I have Civ III and have never been able to get into it like I did Civ II.

I'm also thinking of getting Civ IV for the same reasons. I like some aspects of Civ III, but it just takes too long to get anywhere and the game punishes you for doing well. But I recently had a really good game of Civ III where I just seemed to do everything right. I was playing with expansions and played the Japanese. I ploughed all my money into scientific research, made about 6 warriors and sent them out to auto-explore. I then started building cities like crazy. By 780 AD I was in the Industrial Age and I had Steam Power by 910 AD. It took me much longer to get iron and had to build right into the spaces between rivals, but by 1470 I was in the Modern Age and building tanks. By the 1700s I was thriving and had wiped out the Indians and the Mongols. But then the long dark endgame had begun and I got bored even though I was winning easily. I read a review of Civ IV that said that the endgame is still tediously slow.

If you're stuck waiting for hacks to make TS2 playable, and you have a PS2, then consider buying SSX On Tour. It's a bit of a toss up as to whether SSX 3 or SSX On Tour is the better game, but the latest version is much easier to get to grips with for beginners. Events get progressively harder, but they take place on the same set courses. Like SSX 3, courses run into each other, but there are many more of them, so a freeride trip from the highest peak to the bottom takes around 23 - 25 minutes to complete and is great fun and the feeling of speed is superb and it's much easier to get onto rails now. If you like Motorhead, Def Leppard and Iron Maiden, you'll love the soundtrack, but I preferred the SSX 3 soundtrack. Maxis were obviously involved in the design of the character generator (clothes, boots, hats, hair, make up, beards, stubble, skin colour, body build and size). The new boarders and skiers look so much like Sims. And yes, you can ski as well as board now. Finally, you can knock over recreational skiers and there's even a mission where you get to just knock over kid skiers which is mean, but great fun.

Finally, to Two Jeffs. I'm sorry to hear that your PC decided to try to kill itself. Having suffered simillar situations, I understand the frustration you're going through. Like many, I'm eagerly awaiting NL versions of many of your brilliant hacks, but when things like this happen, there's no point in us 'users' getting upset about it. Good hacks are worth waiting for. There's no point trying to rush things. Enjoy Civ IV and come back to the hack design refreshed and sated from all that stategic fun.

Title: Re: Twojeffs PC Meltdown
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 November 09, 21:21:17
I'm also thinking of getting Civ IV for the same reasons. I like some aspects of Civ III, but it just takes too long to get anywhere and the game punishes you for doing well. But I recently had a really good game of Civ III where I just seemed to do everything right. I was playing with expansions and played the Japanese. I ploughed all my money into scientific research, made about 6 warriors and sent them out to auto-explore. I then started building cities like crazy. By 780 AD I was in the Industrial Age and I had Steam Power by 910 AD. It took me much longer to get iron and had to build right into the spaces between rivals, but by 1470 I was in the Modern Age and building tanks. By the 1700s I was thriving and had wiped out the Indians and the Mongols. But then the long dark endgame had begun and I got bored even though I was winning easily. I read a review of Civ IV that said that the endgame is still tediously slow.
The game kinda ends when you do the Alpha Centauri thing, no? You don't have to play it out the bitter bloody end if you don't want to, there's plenty of ways to win.

Title: Re: Twojeffs PC Meltdown
Post by: rohina on 2005 November 10, 03:33:36
Even if you are doing Alpha Centauri it can be really dull at the end. I haven't played a whole game yet, but I kep hearing groans of frustration over my shoulder (because my husband is playing it). He says it still gets boring at the end. Perhaps not as much as in the previous game, but still it is quite repetitive. Apparently.