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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Callista on 2008 November 12, 11:15:38

Title: Alien triplets?
Post by: Callista on 2008 November 12, 11:15:38
I'm playing the e-mail challenge, and before I had my founder marry, I got his skills maxed. (I figured he wasn't going to have much time to max them afterwards. Boy was I right... the three-bolt match I found for him had NINE neat points. Thank goodness for macros... I just aged him with elixir and had him encourage her down to zero.) [Edited: Had been "force-aged", which caused confusion.]

Anyway, while maxing Logic, he got abducted, with predictable results. The pregnancy was normal... but when he gave birth, there were THREE babies. It looked just like three single births, one after another (no "two babies" dialog--generated and named them all separately, went into labor three times, three separate memories, etc.). The babies are not clones, though they are all boys (small mercies!); I can tell already because their eyes and noses are different.

Any idea what caused this? No cheesecake, no force twins, no hacks relating to pregnancy or multiples. I've had no other glitches on the lot at all, except for the maid, who for some reason freezes up occasionally and has to be deleted.

I have Sims 2 Deluxe, University, and Pets. (Well, I own OFB and Seasons too, but I've made myself promise to wait a week, until finals are over, because if I didn't I'd never get any studying done. Anyway, I've heard e-mail is kinda broken with those EPs, so it's all for the best.)...

Umm... so. Alien triplets. Anybody ever seen this before?

Oh, and a rules question: Was I right to move in the woman my sim is obsessing over? Or, because the babies are not hers, is that against the rules? If so, can I "fix" it by having her have a baby too?

Title: Re: Alien triplets?
Post by: Gwill on 2008 November 12, 12:00:48
Old glitch.  I think there are some thread about it.

Title: Re: Alien triplets?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 November 12, 12:15:35
I'm pretty sure force-aging isn't a part of the E-Mail Challenge.

Title: Re: Alien triplets?
Post by: Callista on 2008 November 12, 12:26:22
I just re-read the rules, and there's nothing that says you can't--provided you buy the elixir yourself and fulfill the sim's LTW (meaning you can't use it to force-age after you do so). Plus there's the platinum tombstone thing, so you can't safely force-age an elder too much anyway.

Unless I am missing something?

Oh, and I finally got the idea to search for "multiples glitch" instead of "triplet glitch"... which got me the answer (it's a known bug that happens when the birth loops). I'm just glad I haven't ended up like some people, with six babies or something equally (near-?) impossible.

Title: Re: Alien triplets?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 November 12, 12:27:58
Oh, is that what you're doing. Force-aging is shift-clicking and pushing "Set to Birthday".

Title: Re: Alien triplets?
Post by: Callista on 2008 November 12, 12:28:49
Oh, got it, OK. Editing my first post to clarify that now.

Title: Re: Alien triplets?
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 November 12, 16:21:24
Oh, and I finally got the idea to search for "multiples glitch" instead of "triplet glitch"... which got me the answer (it's a known bug that happens when the birth loops). I'm just glad I haven't ended up like some people, with six babies or something equally (near-?) impossible.
I've only had the glitch once, with Ghetto Superstar challenge, and only got twins. I was mighty disappointed.

Title: Re: Alien triplets?
Post by: Gastfyr on 2008 November 12, 21:54:54
My Legacy founder had twins that way once (a girl and then a boy).  It was weird and I'd never heard of it before, so I was mighty confused.  He 2nd pregnancy was a set of normal twins.

Title: Re: Alien triplets?
Post by: fff on 2008 November 13, 06:53:03
I had that glitch and got six babies, it totally buggered up my game plan for that family, (they were both Fortune Sims and I was only going to let them have one kid), but it was interesting, in a train-wreck kind of way. :)

Title: Re: Alien triplets?
Post by: Liz on 2008 November 14, 06:22:04
I had that glitch and got six babies, it totally buggered up my game plan for that family, (they were both Fortune Sims and I was only going to let them have one kid), but it was interesting, in a train-wreck kind of way. :)
I quite like it when the game throws me those unexpected whammys. There are so few genuine surprises in the game that when something truly random like that comes along, even if it completely stuffs up my plans, I'm happy for the derailing.

Title: Re: Alien triplets?
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 November 14, 16:04:22
I almost lost 3/4 of a family last night. The mother, an art store owner and master artist. The one son, a future multiple business owner and major financial contributor to the community. The other son, a friend to all who plans on running an orphanage. All were a hair's breath from death due to a really bad kitchen fire. It would have sucked to have lost all that. Instead, I got funny pictures.

Title: Re: Alien triplets?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 November 15, 05:00:08
Why do you even HAVE so many people in one kitchen? There should only be ONE person in the kitchen!

Title: Re: Alien triplets?
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 November 15, 05:14:31
I only had one in the kitchen. She was freaking out, and I thought for a moment about letting her die to kill the unauthorized child she carried. But then I got sick of the screaming, so I sent one son in to extinguish. He was total fail and got too close, catching on fire. I had the mother try to extinguish him. The second son walked in on his own because he's a codependent weirdo and wanted to play punch-you-punch-me with his brother. By this time, the kitchen was a raging inferno due to the fact that the sims are slobs and I'd added a crapload of clutter to add to their natural slobbiness. Eventually the three of them got the fire out, though at one point the second brother's ass was also on fire.

Title: Re: Alien triplets?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 November 15, 11:35:38
Stupid Fuzzy Pumpkin.

Title: Re: Alien triplets?
Post by: Emma on 2008 November 15, 12:18:06
I only had one in the kitchen. She was freaking out, and I thought for a moment about letting her die to kill the unauthorized child she carried. But then I got sick of the screaming, so I sent one son in to extinguish. He was total fail and got too close, catching on fire. I had the mother try to extinguish him. The second son walked in on his own because he's a codependent weirdo and wanted to play punch-you-punch-me with his brother. By this time, the kitchen was a raging inferno due to the fact that the sims are slobs and I'd added a crapload of clutter to add to their natural slobbiness. Eventually the three of them got the fire out, though at one point the second brother's ass was also on fire.

See, now that is fun. Much more fun than peeing and fighting.

Title: Re: Alien triplets?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 November 15, 12:45:09
Death to Emma.

Title: Re: Alien triplets?
Post by: Emma on 2008 November 15, 13:26:15