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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Paradoxe on 2008 November 11, 11:18:32

Title: Wrong fireplace thumbnail showing at the wrong place. (Solved)
Post by: Paradoxe on 2008 November 11, 11:18:32
Since I installed AL, one of my fireplace thumbnail doesn't show the right picture. :-[

Look, the newest AL fireplace is showing in two places in the catalog.

( (

Is someone experiencing this as well ? How can I fix it ? It seems it's not caused by downloads, and my game is not patched yet (I mean, the AL patch).

Title: Re: Wrong fireplace thumbnail showing at the wrong place.
Post by: Lord Darcy on 2008 November 11, 11:38:02
Ctrl + right-click on thumbnail to regenerate.

Title: Re: Wrong fireplace thumbnail showing at the wrong place.
Post by: Paradoxe on 2008 November 11, 12:09:46
Wow ! It worked !... but how did you know how to fix it ? I've never seen this in the maxis readme or any tutorial before, I think. Anyway thanks a lot, I thought I had to undergo a long and hazardous manipulation with Simpe, but it was simpler apparently. :D

Title: Re: Wrong fireplace thumbnail showing at the wrong place.
Post by: Marhis on 2008 November 11, 22:48:18
I've never seen this in the maxis readme or any tutorial before, I think.
EAxis ran out of space in readmes and tutorials because of more useful informations, like "o hai the sims is in 3D!!!111oneoneone" or "Guess it? Your sims have now aspirations!"; they're not supposed to waste time and effort on silly useless details like this one ;D.

Title: Re: Wrong fireplace thumbnail showing at the wrong place. (Solved)
Post by: Paradoxe on 2008 November 13, 12:51:44
That could spare complaints if they did. I tried the same technique it on the black and red knight outfit (the borken one, now fixed by Havelock) from the store stuff series and that worked too. EAxis is seriously a bunch of lazy or disorganised guys.