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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Lum on 2008 November 06, 01:38:49

Title: Telescope keeps crashing - SOLVED!
Post by: Lum on 2008 November 06, 01:38:49
Simple, really: all my telescopes seem to make my sims 'jump'. The first two times of the loop, I get a note telling me I found a new planet and they give me 500 bucks. After getting the note twice (thus 1,000 easy money), no more cash, but the jumping continues. Happens in all lots, as far as I can tell, mostly with the expensive telescope, but the cheap one too.

Everything else is peachy, but the telescope is an annoyance, minor as it is. I suspect it has something to do with FT, which I do not own. All I have is Uni, Nightlife, Seasons, BV, Ap; stuff packs are Glamour Life, K&B and Celebration.

In short, WFT?

Title: Re: Telescope keeps crashing
Post by: Solowren on 2008 November 06, 02:53:24
The jumping indicates that an error log has been produced. Turn on debug mode (boolprop testingcheatsenabled true) and get a Sim to use the telescope. A box will come up that will tell you where the error log is being saved. Go get it and upload it here so one of the Awesome can inspect it.

Title: Re: Telescope keeps crashing
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 November 06, 03:25:20
Do you have any abduction-type hacks? Those were causing issues with FT games. Now, you don't have FT, but it's possible they put remnants of that code into AL. Just because it's the sort of stupid-ass thing that EAxis would do.

Title: Re: Telescope keeps crashing
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 November 06, 04:01:00
If you have AL, you are running FT+ code. Period.

Title: Re: Telescope keeps crashing
Post by: Marhis on 2008 November 06, 06:44:06
I had the very same issue, but apparently it solved patching the game.

Title: Re: Telescope keeps crashing
Post by: jolrei on 2008 November 06, 15:01:45
I have TJ's increased abduction odds hack (not that it's doing anything that I can empirically demonstrate), and I have no jumps/errors when my sims use the telescope.  That may narrow it down a bit.

Title: Re: Telescope keeps crashing
Post by: Lum on 2008 November 06, 19:30:56
I have no abduction hacks whatsoever, but I did try the cheap telescope yesterday during daylight and saw no jumping. I will try to get that debug report as soon as possible, though.

Aha, error log attached. This was at night, with the expensive telescope. Also, my game is patched with the second patch, which supposedly has the first patch integrated, with the proper arrged exe. (No unholy hybrid.)

Title: Re: Telescope keeps crashing
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 November 06, 22:47:55
Did you try doing a binary search at all? I'm showing several hacks in your log...TJ's smart beds (should be fine) Merola's painting (no idea), etc, and I'm not nearly to the bottom.

Title: Re: Telescope keeps crashing
Post by: Lum on 2008 November 06, 23:04:26
Oh, no abduction hacks, but a hell of a lot of hacks for everything else. :P (Merola's max-all aspirations, in case you're wondering). I use the DC hacks, TJs and very few others, but ironically, nothing that ever had to do with telescopes.

If binary search is the consensus, then binary search it is. Naturally, I'd like to hear more opinions before I try to do that. Um, and a simple explication as to how to perform a binary search, now that I think about it...

Title: Re: Telescope keeps crashing
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 November 06, 23:19:35
Oh, no abduction hacks, but a hell of a lot of hacks for everything else. :P (Merola's max-all aspirations, in case you're wondering). I use the DC hacks, TJs and very few others, but ironically, nothing that ever had to do with telescopes.
Well, we can rule out the Director's Cut because this never happens in my game.

If binary search is the consensus, then binary search it is. Naturally, I'd like to hear more opinions before I try to do that. Um, and a simple explication as to how to perform a binary search, now that I think about it...
1. Remove half your hacks. Test the problem. If the problem occurs, remove half your remaining hacks, repeat this step. If the problem does not occur, put in half of the hacks you previously removed, and retest.

Title: Re: Telescope keeps crashing
Post by: Lum on 2008 November 06, 23:51:53
Well. Don't I feel stupid. Turns out I did have TJ's Abductions-Higher Odds. I thought I nuked it months ago, since I like to force my abductions. Took it out and now the telescopes work normally. Jolrei said that it works for her, so... ahdunno. Tight pants? Position of the moon and the stars? Shitty luck? Anyway, thanks for the help. Oughtta teach me to clean up my downloads more often...

Title: Re: Telescope keeps crashing
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 November 07, 01:42:58
Probably oldversioned. TJ had to update it for FreeTime. Check

Title: Re: Telescope keeps crashing
Post by: Emma on 2008 November 07, 07:53:34
Jolrei said that it works for her

*Emma giggles


Yeah, you've probably got an outdated version. I have it and don't get any errors while using :)

Title: Re: Telescope keeps crashing
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 November 07, 14:47:43

Title: Re: Telescope keeps crashing - SOLVED!
Post by: Lum on 2008 November 07, 20:18:24
Yep, it must be a really old version, since I really thought I got rid of it eons ago. But thanks everyone!