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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Inge on 2008 October 30, 18:00:56

Title: Can't see imposters at edge of map
Post by: Inge on 2008 October 30, 18:00:56
Now when you *want* the edge of the world fogged out, like where you are looking out over miles of sea and then suddenly there is this square corner, it doesn't fog out.

But now I actually have a road near the edge, and just room for a parade of shops and cafes between the road and the edge of the world so you can't see the sheer drop, now all of a sudden the game wants to fog it out.  Although I can go into any of the lots and play them, none of the neighboring lots are showing.

I have the camera hack to see all of the hood in hood mode, but is there one that will let me see all the neighbors even the ones touching the edge?

Title: Re: Can't see imposters at edge of map
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 October 30, 21:02:32
Do you have neighbor fade to the max? I believe that they've shortened the limits. It certainly feels like it...I have a lot that's at 19 East and I can just barely see the house at 11 West. That's 16 squares, according to my map. I seem to remember being able to see imposters past that.

Title: Re: Can't see imposters at edge of map
Post by: Inge on 2008 October 30, 21:12:41
I can see a long way in the other directions.  And I can see the grass almost to the edge of the map.  Problem is, it's not meant to be grass, it's meant to be a house :(

Title: Re: Can't see imposters at edge of map
Post by: arogers on 2008 October 31, 12:49:00
I had this problem with my neighborhood too. I increased the lot skirt size by 500 but it didn't affect the lots on the edges. I think they have to be at least one neighborhood square away to be visible from other lots. Ive noticed that it happens to decoration too.

Title: Re: Can't see imposters at edge of map
Post by: Inge on 2008 October 31, 13:46:15
Yes I have had to shrink all the lots by one hood tile at the back, and that worked.  It means some of the buildings are little more than a facade though :)

Title: Re: Can't see imposters at edge of map
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 October 31, 18:15:36
I can see a long way in the other directions.  And I can see the grass almost to the edge of the map.  Problem is, it's not meant to be grass, it's meant to be a house :(
Yeah, I can see terrain for much further than I can see lot/deco imposters. But it seems that the limit for lot imposters is around 16 'hood squares (maybe 17 given what you've discovered about shrinking) with all view settings to the max. At least that's how it's running in Highland County.

Title: Re: Can't see imposters at edge of map
Post by: Inge on 2008 November 01, 09:00:02
This issue is not related to distance from viewpoint.  After experimenting, it has emerged that any lot whose edge is actually on the edge of the map does not display its imposter.  Shrink those lots by one hood tile so there is a clear strip between them and the edge of the map, then the imposter shows up.

Title: Re: Can't see imposters at edge of map
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 November 01, 11:29:40
Considering that it is not normally possible to SEE the edge of the map, let alone put anything on it, it is not surprising that things do not work when placed there.