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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: PirateFaafy on 2008 October 17, 03:50:36

Title: Oh hay, did anyone notice this?
Post by: PirateFaafy on 2008 October 17, 03:50:36
You probably need to be in debug mode, but then again, who ever isn't around here? Certainly not me!

Hover the mouse over a wall or floor tile (ground/water/etc. works too.) Press Shift+Alt. Much useful information there! I find that it is good for determining if something experimental is really weatherproof, although sometimes it does odd things such as with greenhouses - but still, very useful.

Just thought I'd share that tidbit, since I've found it invaluable. Discuss!

Title: Re: Oh hay, did anyone notice this?
Post by: Inge on 2008 October 17, 08:35:37
Let's take a "straw" poll HAHAHAHAA

Title: Re: Oh hay, did anyone notice this?
Post by: Gastfyr on 2008 October 17, 21:05:20
Yeah, I noticed it, but I didn't bother reading it.  lol  Maybe I should try reading it next time...

Title: Re: Oh hay, did anyone notice this?
Post by: coralleane on 2008 October 19, 14:45:23
I'm getting it showing up without being in debug mode, so it looks like that's not actually a requirement.

Title: Re: Oh hay, did anyone notice this?
Post by: PirateFaafy on 2008 October 24, 01:39:46
Also, since it's been asked a metric fuckton of times, I thought I'd just mention this:

A lot of people complain about wall decals going dark when lowered on the wall. This is because the "lighting reference point" or whatever it may be is apparently in contact with the floor, and moving it down causes it to go below the floor. Solution: If the house is on a foundation, put a bright light down there and turn it on at all times. It'll keep the object lit up.

Title: Re: Oh hay, did anyone notice this?
Post by: Menaceman on 2008 October 28, 16:09:13
Yup, this works without debug mode activated.
I found it the other week when I hit the wrong keys I was after.