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The Bowels of Trogdor => The Small Intestines of Trogdor => Topic started by: tunaisafish on 2008 October 14, 11:54:38

Title: Distance Primitive & Hobby Absorption
Post by: tunaisafish on 2008 October 14, 11:54:38
     0008 : 000B : 00 : 0009 : FFFC : 00000109000000000000000000000000
[prim 0x000B] Distance (Temp 0x0000 := Param 0x0000 .. Stack Object, in 1/100ths tile: False)

What's the scale that this returns?
I'm assuming that it is floor-tile squares.

Anyhow, all sims (and pets!) within 10 of these units to another sim hobbynating will get free enthusiasm rubbing off.
So long as they're under level 5, and it only gives them up to 80 towards the next point.
Sneaky huh?

PITA that it stops at 5, essentially making no enthusiasm rub off at the hobby lots.
There're different rates depending on LTR, and bonus's for below teen age.

I feel sorry for the poor pets getting 80 towards their first point.... just a whisker away from being able to talk about their hobbie.

Title: Re: Distance Primitive & Hobby Absorption
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 October 14, 11:56:44
They made it iterate through all sims, including pets, instead of set-to-next 0x81?

Title: Re: Distance Primitive & Hobby Absorption
Post by: tunaisafish on 2008 October 14, 12:10:02
     0004 : 001F : 01 : 0005 : FFFD : 00000000A80A00000000000000000000
[prim 0x001F] Set to Next (Stack Object ID 0x0000, Sim (pets, humans), disabled objects included: False)

That's what PJSE tells me.

Title: Re: Distance Primitive & Hobby Absorption
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 October 14, 12:22:11
Oh hell, they used A8 instead of 81, why? Stupid EAxis.

Title: Re: Distance Primitive & Hobby Absorption
Post by: Inge on 2008 October 14, 13:02:46

Pescado, just rewrite the game already - never mind all these fiddly director's cuts! :)

Title: Re: Distance Primitive & Hobby Absorption
Post by: tunaisafish on 2008 October 14, 14:21:13
Rewrite?  Hell that's no bug it's a feature.
How else are we supposed to build our pets enthusiasm to do this (

Video from the legend that is shadow's game :)

Inge, while you're here :)
I found a few wrongly guessed atrrib labels while looking through this code, how do you want corrections and new info?

Title: Re: Distance Primitive & Hobby Absorption
Post by: Inge on 2008 October 14, 14:33:29
I am not entirely sure what you mean, I don't think we distribute attribute labels do we?  They are usually already in objects.package.

Title: Re: Distance Primitive & Hobby Absorption
Post by: tunaisafish on 2008 October 14, 15:30:28
ah yes, so they are :)

Looks like the enthusiasm tracker was cloned from a skill tracker.
Some crap left behind, and the attribs used slightly differently.

Title: Re: Distance Primitive & Hobby Absorption
Post by: Inge on 2008 October 14, 15:46:29
Well by all means create an override for it, and it can go into includes.  You could post it here and I will see to it, thanks :)