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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: JacquiES on 2008 October 05, 14:52:06

Title: No apartment icon (?) in neighborhood view
Post by: JacquiES on 2008 October 05, 14:52:06
I have a very minor gltich/bug, not really sure which.  I don't know what that green apartment building icon thing that floats over apartments in neighborhood view is called (plumbob?) but they are not present in my game.  I noticed it playing Belladonna Cove the day I got it, in a vanilla game, but just figured it was something that didn't make it into the game for some reason.  However, I have seen pictures of people's games and there it is.  I now have my hacks back in the game, the DC from here along with some of TJ's and SW's but as it didn't show up in a vanilla game I don't think it is hack or CC related.  Is there something I have to enable to make it present in my game or am I just going to have to do without?  As I said, it's obviously not a game breaking issue, but I would like to be as special as everyone else.   :-\  lol.

By the way, the plumbobs show up over the houses still and the dollar signs over the businesses.

Title: Re: No apartment icon (?) in neighborhood view
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 October 05, 15:30:43
Rumors that I had anything to do with this are blatantly false, because it works fine in my game. Once again, I point the blame squarely at tight pants.

Title: Re: No apartment icon (?) in neighborhood view
Post by: JacquiES on 2008 October 05, 15:39:45
I didn't have any hacks or CC in though when I installed the game and they weren't there.

Title: Re: No apartment icon (?) in neighborhood view
Post by: zoebme on 2008 October 07, 00:07:19
Maybe some CC was hiding somewhere where you didn't expect it, a wrong folder for example? I had the same problem and a binary search revealed that it was related to an outdtated version of "cs_corefuncs.package", which is from this site and has to do with the stuff converted from Castaway Stories. Do a search for that in your entire Sims 2 folder and if you find it, download the updated version. Once I updated it to the version of 26 May 2008, the icons showed fine for me.

Title: Re: No apartment icon (?) in neighborhood view
Post by: JacquiES on 2008 October 07, 00:55:13
This might be it, thanks.  A search on here also found that this is the reason the waves on my beach lots don't reach the shore.  Thanks for your help, I guess I missed this one.

Title: Re: No apartment icon (?) in neighborhood view
Post by: Gwill on 2008 October 09, 19:44:47
I had the same problem and a binary search revealed that it was related to an outdtated version of "cs_corefuncs.package", which is from this site and has to do with the stuff converted from Castaway Stories.

That's the one causing the problem for me too.  Pescado says he can't reproduce the problem, so I've decided to just live with it.

Title: Re: No apartment icon (?) in neighborhood view
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 October 10, 03:31:09
Huh. I have cs_corefuncs and have apartment icons. Looks like version date is 5/26/08.

Title: Re: No apartment icon (?) in neighborhood view
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 October 10, 03:48:52
Death to all Nesses!