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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: HeyYeah on 2008 October 04, 02:42:21

Title: The game ate mah baby (and a bit of other weirdness).
Post by: HeyYeah on 2008 October 04, 02:42:21
(I've just continued playing, hoping this isn't a sign my hood is going to become a BFBVFS, so this isn't so much a "how can I fix this?" but rather a "what caused it, and how can I prevent it happening again")

I was playing a family, the two kids had just aged up to teens and a brand new baby had just been born. I saved and went back to the neighborhood screen, played a few other families, then quit.  The next day I went to play that first family again. The baby no longer existed. It didn't show up it the relationship panel or family tree and the memory said "Had $Subject!" instead of the baby's name.

Also, one of the boys had disappeared from the lot and wasn't selectable. The retrieve missing sim option was not available on the lot debugger, and I couldn't find him in any family using Inge's teleporter cat. He was still in the relationship pannel, and family tree, and when I went to the neighborhood screen, he was among the kids available to send to Uni.

Anyone else had anything like that happen to them?

Title: Re: The game ate mah baby (and a bit of other weirdness).
Post by: Gastfyr on 2008 October 04, 04:26:55
I guess you can retreive your teen by sending him to uni, so no real problem there?  Have you tried sending him to uni yet just to make sure you actually can?

As for the baby, well, that's a VBT I think.  I'm completely non-awesome, but I personally would use the Lot Debugger to clear corrupt memories on everyone who had any memories of the now deleted baby, and then clear gossip to get rid of all the BFBVFS-causing corrupt gossip memories.

That's sad about the baby, by the way.  :-[  Too bad there's no way to get him back.

Title: Re: The game ate mah baby (and a bit of other weirdness).
Post by: HeyYeah on 2008 October 04, 05:52:14
I sent the teen to Uni, and there appears to be no issues other than the question of how he disappeared in the first place.

The baby does seem like a VBT. I've deleted the corrupted memories and the parents have since had another baby as a replacement, so all seems to be fairly well as of right now.

Title: Re: The game ate mah baby (and a bit of other weirdness).
Post by: buddha pest on 2008 October 04, 18:08:55
Are you running base game and Uni only?

This sounds like what used to happen in the olden days when neighborhoods got more character files than they could handle. They just barfed and wouldn't save any new babbys.

Title: Re: The game ate mah baby (and a bit of other weirdness).
Post by: HeyYeah on 2008 October 04, 19:23:48
No, I'm running Pets, and other babies born since have saved just fine.

Title: Re: The game ate mah baby (and a bit of other weirdness).
Post by: Nec on 2008 October 15, 13:26:26
This happened to me last night on an apartment lot. A baby was born the previous night and I saved and exited. When I loaded my game, no baby and the same memory you got. I am wondering if it is because it was the first save after the baby was born. Pescado said that partial saves might be an issue with disappearing sims in another thread. I will make more babies and experiment in my test hood.