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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: kazebird on 2008 October 03, 22:40:36

Title: Is it normal to have 996 char files in an unplayed hood?
Post by: kazebird on 2008 October 03, 22:40:36
      I started a fresh Belladonna, after I got a bunch of third party fixes (checked with HCDU of course,) and I decided to add ceilings to all the subhoods in all EP's, so it wouldn't be weird to have ceilings some places, and not others. This process took ten hours, spread between two days. Then I decided to back up the hood, as I never want to go through that again. During the backup I started seeing large numbered character files, so I decided to check the characters folder, and to my astonishment, I have 996 char files in my Belladonna neighborhood. Remember I didn't open one residential/dorm lot, as those can be fixed when/if I play them. I know it's not a huge amount, but if it is growing I want to know about it. Everyone here says there is no spawning problem but I am worried if this is a normal amount of starting files.

All EP's
No SP's
Intel Core 2 Duo
XP sp2
0.98 GB RAM, 2.16 GHz

Title: Re: Is it normal to have 996 char files in an unplayed hood?
Post by: mitchellcjs on 2008 October 04, 00:55:52
Sadly, Yes.  I did not have the cleaned up templates installed and added three universities, Bluewater Village, the three vacation destinations, and Downtown, and have all the EPs and SPs installed, and ended up with 994 characters prior to playing with anyone in Belladonna Cove.  I am curious about where your extra two characters are, and who they are.  But that number is well within the realm of normal.

Title: Re: Is it normal to have 996 char files in an unplayed hood?
Post by: kazebird on 2008 October 04, 01:03:58
No, wait I just checked, and it is 994 thank goodness!

But I have heard of hacks to prevent townie respawn, and want to know what they are.

Title: Re: Is it normal to have 996 char files in an unplayed hood?
Post by: mitchellcjs on 2008 October 04, 01:09:01
I think Antiredundancy combined with Notownieregen work to prevent any UNNECESSARY townies from spawning.  I don't know if they make sure that already-made townies are summoned to populate your apartments, though.

Title: Re: Is it normal to have 996 char files in an unplayed hood?
Post by: Gastfyr on 2008 October 04, 01:12:27
You can find notownieregen and antiredundancy for AL here:

Title: Re: Is it normal to have 996 char files in an unplayed hood?
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 October 04, 16:53:06
I think Antiredundancy combined with Notownieregen work to prevent any UNNECESSARY townies from spawning.  I don't know if they make sure that already-made townies are summoned to populate your apartments, though.
They won't. The game will always access those character folders in C:/ProgramFiles/EA Games/etc, etc. Clean templates prevent the spawn by eliminating those character files.

Title: Re: Is it normal to have 996 char files in an unplayed hood?
Post by: kazebird on 2008 October 04, 22:25:36
Do I need antiredundancy?

I have heard that NPC's are not a problem, and plus, what happens if you marry off all of a specific NPC? Corruption, thats what.

Also I heard in the Apartmentlife Borkiness thread that notownieregen does make already generated townies move in to apartments.

Title: Re: Is it normal to have 996 char files in an unplayed hood?
Post by: mitchellcjs on 2008 October 05, 00:07:48
Antiredundancy does not prevent the spawning of necessary NPCs.  If you marry the only maid, the game will spawn a new one as required.  It prevents the spawning of EXTRA NPCs.  As in:  You have a maid.  Therefore, the game will USE that maid, not make a NEW one.