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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: iHateyou on 2008 October 03, 11:07:37

Title: How exactly is babysitting supposed to work?
Post by: iHateyou on 2008 October 03, 11:07:37
So I had two parents who wanted to go to work.  They made friends with the old hag next door so that she could be exploited for free sitting.  Dad went to work, mom asked old hag to babysit, who came over and started watching the kid.  Mom goes to work.  One sim hour later old hag gets bored, goes back to her own apartment and leaves kids alone. 

Sim hour later I get the pop up about leaving children at home alone.  Next social worker abducts the brat.

So why did stupid old hag go home instead of watching the kids all day?

Title: Re: How exactly is babysitting supposed to work?
Post by: Inge on 2008 October 03, 11:28:05
Did you make her selectable at any point during that session of play?

Title: Re: How exactly is babysitting supposed to work?
Post by: iHateyou on 2008 October 03, 20:47:35
No, I didn't do that nor any other cheaty thing.

Title: Re: How exactly is babysitting supposed to work?
Post by: Gastfyr on 2008 October 03, 20:52:18
I've had it work for me.  The babysitter is supposed to stay until you dismiss them.  I've had neighbours babysit while my sims go to work and the neighbour stayed the whole time.  You can even have neighbours babysit when your sims are still at home.  At least, that's how it is in my game.

Title: Re: How exactly is babysitting supposed to work?
Post by: Process Denied on 2008 October 04, 16:10:48
One fix that was in the patch is that when the tot would fall asleep in the pet bed it would release the nanny to go home.  Did a toddler fall asleep in a pet bed?

Title: Re: How exactly is babysitting supposed to work?
Post by: iHateyou on 2008 October 04, 17:17:40
No falling asleep in petbeds... I never have pets or petbeds on my lots.