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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Brynne on 2005 November 06, 06:44:35

Title: Yet another blank icon problem...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 November 06, 06:44:35
I have one sim in my game, and it's only this one sim who has this problem as far as I've noticed, whom I just moved into the Bayfield home. He is "yet another Bayfield brother", Jamie. Before I moved him in, I made him selectable to check his wants panel. He's had problems with blank wants before. I just reinstalled the game to fix a corrupt objects package, marked it read-only as I was told, and was hoping it would fix this problem. Anyway, while selectable, his wants showed up, but he had only 4 of them. He is a Uni graduate. I went ahead and moved him in, figuring I'd give him the extra wants slots with TJ's college adjuster. The second he moved in, though, his wants panel turned blank. I gave him the extra two (blank) wants panels, anyway. His fear slots are fine. His relationship panel is fine. Everything is fine except his wants panel. What is going on with this poor guy? 

Any other info I should give?

Title: Re: Yet another blank icon problem...
Post by: SickPuppy on 2005 November 06, 07:08:42
Just a shot in the dark as this is one of the few malodies I haven't been tormented far ::), but I wonder if changing aspiration using the Maxis senso orb might kickstart it.

Title: Re: Yet another blank icon problem...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 November 06, 07:17:26
Yeah, I thought about that, too. It didn't work. Neither did aging him down to a teen then back up again. It's really bizarre how he seemed fine until I moved him in!

Title: Re: Yet another blank icon problem...
Post by: seventhson on 2005 November 06, 07:27:24
Have you tried enabling cheats, holding ctrl and clicking on the icons to spin wants? It probably won't work, but might be worth a try if you get desperate...

Title: Re: Yet another blank icon problem...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 November 06, 07:38:37
Thanks for your suggestions, guys!
I just came back to tell sickpuppy that his "shot in the dark" plan actually did work. I had tried to change his aspiration with Merola's painting before, which didn't work ( I assumed it would have the same effect as the orb, but turns out it didn't). Gave the re nu yu orb a go and Jamie now has all his wants!
Thanks, again, everyone.

Title: Re: Yet another blank icon problem...
Post by: JeanMaas on 2005 December 12, 14:01:16
Hi, I'm new here, great forum this is.
sorry for my poor english, it is not my nativ langwich.

i have a simular problem. found this topic, changed my sims aspiration and this new one works fine. the difference is that my sim is a tottler and now his aspiration is family. that's weird, he now gets grownup wants. i tryed to set it back to grow-up but then the problem is back. let me tell you about him, his name is Carlos.

for my story i needed a teen with a baby, so i created them both with tombstone L and D. everything was fine until Carlos begame a tottler. his wants where blank, his fears not. forced a fear with boolprop and there appeard 3 of the 4 wants, but the slots didn't turn around. after sleping or forfilling a want the slots are blank again.

is there a way to repair this?
if not i don't mind keeping him like this, but i'm worring about the game. can the game deal with a tottler with a family-aspiration or can i better put the grow-up asp. back. if so, can the game deal with that, or will the problem get worse.

i have no ep's jet, nor hacks, according to clean installer. i only have downloads to make my sims and their houses look nice. i have not downloaded any houses or build them. oh, i do have the holyday-pack.

well, i hope i gave you enouth info.


Title: Re: Yet another blank icon problem...
Post by: gali on 2005 December 12, 14:18:15
jean, can you use another avatar? This one is already in use long time by LK.


Title: Re: Yet another blank icon problem...
Post by: JeanMaas on 2005 December 12, 14:26:30
oke, no problem.
well the other ones i don't like so i'll use none, becose i haven't one of my own.

Title: Re: Yet another blank icon problem...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 December 12, 15:57:44
Funny this thread has been resurrected. I am having this problem again, and I'm not sure I've completely resolved it this time. I moved sim-me and family into a new house. I got "import lot" errors while the new lot was loading for the first time. Resetting didn't do anything and errors kept popping up. I finally hit "delete", which made the errors stop, but probably means I'm also an idiot. My toddlers all lost their wants, so I aged them up to child, then back down. They now have wants, but one of my toddlers now wants to go swimming. Another wants to tell a joke to her brother. Unless "la lo la lo" constitutes a joke, and splashing in a puddle counts as swimming, they're kinda SOL as far as those wants go!   

So is this due to the "import lot" error? Anyone know?

Title: Re: Yet another blank icon problem...
Post by: JeanMaas on 2005 December 12, 16:48:38
yes it worked, carlos is now in my avatar, with his make-believe dad. they are my favo sims.

 :o  i was thinking about moving them hoping that that would solve the problem, now i won't.
is jamie part of your sim-me-family?


Title: Re: Yet another blank icon problem...
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 December 12, 16:52:51
Unless "la lo la lo" constitutes a joke

OMG, that's HILARIOUS.  That really is one of the funniest jokes I've ever heard in my life.  Bit surprised to hear a toddler telling it, but in your game nothing surprises me.  Just read it again and stress it properly, then you might get it.  It's not "la lo la lo", it's "la LO, la LO" ... now do you get it?  Told you it was hilarious.  Brilliant joke, brilliant.

Title: Re: Yet another blank icon problem...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 December 12, 18:05:19
Yes, it's a great play on words. You at first think you're hearing "lalo lalo", but then you realize the real interpretation is "la lo la lo". It's all in the telling of the joke.

Oh, and yes, Jamie is in my sim-me family, though he is my brother-in-law. He's not blood-related. I do have a son named Jamie in real life, and this character is named after him, but is not actually supposed to be him. Or else I'm in trouble and need serious serious therapy, 'cause the guy is hot.

Title: Re: Yet another blank icon problem...
Post by: JeanMaas on 2005 December 12, 18:23:58
i was thinking that carlos, and probably jamie too, are broken or corrupt or something.
anyway your errors after moving could explain that, i think.
did you try to set jamie's aspiration back to what it was?


Title: Re: Yet another blank icon problem...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 December 12, 18:33:30
Yeah. Jamie works fine, now. I don't know what the deal was. But I even replaced his character file and the blank icons still happened, until I aged him. Both times I had the "import lot" error.

Okay, this is odd. Of course, I'm clueless about this sort of thing, but it still seems odd. I'm attaching several objecterror logs-all the ones generated this last time. Why is "Val" the only user listed in these? She (sim-me) is the only one who didn't have blank icons!

[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re: Yet another blank icon problem...
Post by: JeanMaas on 2005 December 12, 20:25:42
wel, i looked at your errorlogs, intresting, but i haven't a clue. try to find an errorlog of my own, but i could not. i did not have any error-message yet. i probably will if i try to move them, but i need them for my story, so i'm afrait to try it out.
i realy hope somebody can help us with this.


Title: Re: Yet another blank icon problem...
Post by: crammyboy on 2005 December 13, 04:15:11
I have had this problem before, to the extent that now I enter the lot first before moving in a family, move something (Just to make the lot changed), save and go back to the neighbourhood.  Fixing the problem afterwards is more painful, because it tends to re-occur later.

The errorlogs would seem to indicate that the sim in question has an undeclared/invalid major. you could use simpe to correct this. Although you would have to move the family out of the house, seeing as the import did not work correctly.

Title: Re: Yet another blank icon problem...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 December 13, 05:45:27
Thanks, crammyboy. I think I remember reading that before about having to go into the house before moving in. Damn.

Title: Re: Yet another blank icon problem...
Post by: JeanMaas on 2005 December 13, 10:40:40
thanks from me too crammyboy. diddn'nt know about that, great to know it is possible to prevent it.

thinking about this, a question pops up. is it possible to save the other familymembers by splitting them up?
it's one out of the 7 who has this, or is everybody infected allready?

oh, and another question pops up. if the lot is empty, can i re-use it after changing something or do i better delete it.
(i like that house and i don't like building)


Title: Re: Yet another blank icon problem...
Post by: MokeyHokey on 2005 December 13, 18:59:16
I think I remember reading that before about having to go into the house before moving in.

Isn't that the pre-Uni-house-effect?  Trying to move a Uni-made sim into a pre-uni house is disaster.  >:(
It's the only reason I despise reinstalling because I have to go back through and enter each house, drop a bush, and save it before I can actually PLAY.

Title: Re: Yet another blank icon problem...
Post by: JeanMaas on 2005 December 13, 19:21:20
it sure looks like it. the difference is that i don't have uni. i don't have nl either, only the holyday-pack.

now i'm thinking about clearing out my neighbourhood. delete all the family's, enter all the houses, and so on.
or am i over-reacting.

and then what, when i get uni. do i have to do this again?

i just realise something...
i do have downloads that require uni or made somehow uni-things available. (the pony-tail of the tottler in my avatar)
i'm planning to buy uni in the very neir future


Title: Re: Yet another blank icon problem...
Post by: cwykes on 2005 December 13, 22:35:14
How large is your hood?  Is their any danger it's overfull of sims and memories?   I was getting blank wants for some of my sims and wondering if you can actually get blank icon bug with base game only (all the posts are about Uni).  I could reroll the wants with testingcheats enabled so I gave up posting and did that.  I did some cleaning up of gray sims, messed around a bit in SimPE to clean up memories.  Next thing I knew, every single sim in the entire hood had lost all their memories.  I have no idea if the problems were connected or not or whether I did the damange myself in SimPE.  FBVOS?

suggestion make a backup!

Title: Re: Yet another blank icon problem...
Post by: JeanMaas on 2005 December 14, 00:04:02
i think i have added about 20 sims in veronaville, my pc is formatted not that long ago.
somebody told me about the blank icon bug and found out that it had to do with uni.
foud out that there are more problems if you have that bug, witch i havn't.

only carlos has a broken grow-up aspiration, his family asp. works fine. also his memory is oke.
have no problem leaving him like that, until i found this topic. i use him, and others, in a story.
so i don't want the problem to get worse. if i can not do anything to repair it and it will get worse,
then i prefer to clearout the hood now. then i can use the ideas that i have in a new story.

don't have simpe, so didn't experiment with that. don't know what FBVOS mean.
my pc synchronises with a server, so by now the problem is back-uped also.
anyway it's a good idea. set a backup aside so it won't be synchinised and start experimenting a bit.

tanks, jean