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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: simmiecal on 2005 November 06, 06:18:14

Title: Ack! Highest level allowed
Post by: simmiecal on 2005 November 06, 06:18:14
I'm having a brain cramp moment. I am trying to get more than five levels. It is my understanding that I have to type:

sethighestallowedlevel x

where x is the number of floors that you want.

I have typed this in at the lot. Nothing. I have saved the lot and re-entered. Nothing. I have typed it at the neighborhood screen. Nothing. I have put it in my userstartup.cheat file. Nothing.

Do I have to type boolprop or intprop first? Are there any spaces between the words and the number? (I entered it with no spaces between the words and one space between the words and number).

Any help would be appreciated.

Title: Re: Ack! Highest level allowed
Post by: Baa on 2005 November 06, 06:25:05
Do it while you're on the lot.

I can't remember, but I think the change isn't immediate.

Use the story down button, go down a few stories, go back up, use the wall tool and then try adding another story. I think you have to let the game know that you can build more than 4.

Title: Re: Ack! Highest level allowed
Post by: simmiecal on 2005 November 06, 06:26:47
Do it while you're on the lot.

I can't remember, but I think the change isn't immediate.

Use the story down button, go down a few stories, go back up, use the wall tool and then try adding another story. I think you have to let the game know that you can build more than 4.

That did the trick! I tried placing a wall and then the button showed that I could go up another level.

Title: Re: Ack! Highest level allowed
Post by: Baa on 2005 November 06, 06:30:20

I know the first time I tried it, I noticed it hadn't let me build another story. So I thought maybe if I remove a wall or go down a few stories will make it recognize the cheat, and it did. Works like a charm. ;)