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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: vecki on 2008 September 19, 00:14:32

Title: Speed up, Speed up, SPEED UP FFS!!!!11!ONE!
Post by: vecki on 2008 September 19, 00:14:32

Playing last night, I started in a couple normal house lots.  Everything working fine, aside from the fact that they seemed to have 'reset'.  You know, the way they do after installing a new EP or patch.  Except I hadn't done that since the last time I'd played.  Just one Squinge hack.

Went into an apartment family which has worked perfectly up till now.  Like the others, they had 'reset' and were standing next to the bed instead of sleeping, so I sent them back to bed.  Time didn't speed up though, the way it usually does (and the way it just had on the other normal lots when the sims were sleeping - or if I'd pressed 3 to speed things up when I get bored watching the skilling factory that the Goth house has suddenly become).  I spent their night waiting for time to crawl back around to the morning, watching a couple of AL townies drinking from the bar on the roof, peeing their pants and passing out, just like real drunks. (Tangent - those two were up there for at least 36 hours, can't wait to see if they stay up there during winter)

After I finished with that family (longest sim day EVAH), I moved on to another normal house lot, and everything was fine again.

I haven't yet tried one of the other families in the same apartment block, but I'm wondering if the whole lot could be borked or just this one apartment.

Title: Re: Speed up, Speed up, SPEED UP FFS!!!!11!ONE!
Post by: Faizah on 2008 September 19, 02:37:25
I think it was the townies. As far as I recall, it won't automatically go to speed 3 if anyone - sim or pet, playable or no - is awake and on the lot.

Title: Re: Speed up, Speed up, SPEED UP FFS!!!!11!ONE!
Post by: vecki on 2008 September 19, 03:14:42
It wasn't just the 'automatic' changing to high speed.  Even if I clicked on speed 3 or pressed '3' on the keyboard it stuck at the same old speed, although it did light up the >>> icon to show that it was meant to be on the highest speed.

Hopefully that makes more sense.

Title: Re: Speed up, Speed up, SPEED UP FFS!!!!11!ONE!
Post by: Emma on 2008 September 19, 05:34:21
I'd take out the Squinge hack and try again. Which hack was it anyway?

Title: Re: Speed up, Speed up, SPEED UP FFS!!!!11!ONE!
Post by: talysman on 2008 September 19, 06:26:14
Does Speed 3 look like the SAME SPEED as Speed 1, or does it look kind of chunky, with dropped frames?

I've found that when certain things really slow down a lot on a slower machine, like when there are too many dormies at UNI or too many customers on a home business lot, the game simply can't run at the real Speed 3. Sometimes, like in the case of dormies, it seems to be caused not just by the number of sims on the lot but the fact that many of them are in need desperation and can't fulfill that need for some reason. nodormieprotect and BUY together in a dorm sometimes causes this problem for me, although a combo of using floor separators in the bathroom and occasionally making a dormie selectable and ordering them to take care of their needs with Macrotastics can sometimes fix this problem.

Since people report that the floor separators don't work correctly on apartment lots, I'm guessing you don't have them. If you have BUY, this is probably the problem; some of those nonplayables on the lot have bottomed out Hygiene and Energy, and for some reason BUY can't get them to the shower.  If you don't have BUY, for some reason, they can't route to a toilet or shower. They're probably also trying and failing to get to your playable family's beds. Your description of the drunks seems to confirm this. And it's also a good idea to check if Squinge's hack is AL-updated, and test removing it.

Title: Re: Speed up, Speed up, SPEED UP FFS!!!!11!ONE!
Post by: vecki on 2008 September 19, 07:15:21
Things moved at exactly the same speed as at speed 1, although the drunks on the roof sounded like they were on speed 3.

The Squinge hack was the updated PregnantSimsWearAnything, or whatever its called.  I downloaded an hour before playing.

Other lots didn't have the problem, but I still want to check another one of the apartments on the lot when I get a chance (who knows when that will be, I have uni assignments coming out of my ears at the moment).  There's currently two other playable families living in the complex.

I remember back in the sims 1 Superstar days I had a similar problem, I seem to recall it had something to do with the butler.  Given this family did use the butler for a day or so before ending his services, he was my first suspect ;) but there are other lots using the butler without the problem so he has been cleared for the time being.

Title: Re: Speed up, Speed up, SPEED UP FFS!!!!11!ONE!
Post by: Emma on 2008 September 19, 07:55:36
Turn off debug mode and force errors on the lot using the Lot Degugger. Possibly there is someone stuck just off-world.

Title: Re: Speed up, Speed up, SPEED UP FFS!!!!11!ONE!
Post by: vecki on 2008 September 21, 02:37:40
No joy :'(  Managed to get in to play another apartment and they're crawling too.  Maybe there's just too many sims on the lot now *shrug* (especially since all three families are also expecting babbies - and they're all surprise ACR babbies).

To make it even worse, when I was playing the second family, the other sims were all up on the roof, in the rain, drinking, peeing and passing out.  So now even my playables are taking aspiration hits and getting memories of pissing their pants and passing out.  And this annoys me because if they were under MY control, they wouldn't be up there in the first place. >:(

I think I might be moving the sims out of the apartments and into regular houses.  Pity.

Title: Re: Speed up, Speed up, SPEED UP FFS!!!!11!ONE!
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2008 September 21, 03:11:09
I had this problem with macro...*inate when getting food.  Even if on three, it acts like it's on one and they stare at the fridge until I cancel the macro out.  Then, speed 3 kicks in.

Title: Re: Speed up, Speed up, SPEED UP FFS!!!!11!ONE!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 September 21, 19:07:47
It sounds like Veckis need Autonomy Control, the One Shiny. Go proscribe the peeing. :P

Title: Re: Speed up, Speed up, SPEED UP FFS!!!!11!ONE!
Post by: summerbliz on 2008 September 22, 07:34:07
I'm having the same trouble with the updated PregnantSimsWearAnyOutfitEP8.  Took the hack out, game works fine.

Title: Re: Speed up, Speed up, SPEED UP FFS!!!!11!ONE!
Post by: vecki on 2008 September 22, 08:03:47
In apartments?  Normal lots?  Both?

I've only had the problem in apartments.  What a weird thing to be affecting it.  I'll try taking it out (boo, hiss)

Title: Re: Speed up, Speed up, SPEED UP FFS!!!!11!ONE!
Post by: summerbliz on 2008 September 22, 08:17:40
Apartments.  Reported the problem.  According to Squinge, it's not the hack that's causing the lag.