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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: MissDoh on 2005 November 05, 05:37:38

Title: Why should I clean a dirty bathtub?
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 November 05, 05:37:38
Since I install Nightlife I notice the maid is a bit mess-up.  Eventhough when I clic on a tub, shower, sink or toilet and the option to clean is available for my controllable Sim, when the maid comes he/she does not clean those item right away.  Most of the time though she will do it the next day after I used those items again.  I tried to tip the maid 100$ a day it did not made any difference.  I wonder if there is a dirt level set for every item and it was set up higher for the maid then it is for our Sims which would explain why he/she would not clean what he/she should.

I also notice there are some expensive bed (2 or 3) that they will just not make anymore.  What is wrong with our maids?  Did the programming change?

Before Nightlife I never had that problem and rarely tip them.  They were cleaning everything in the house.

Anybody else notice this?  Is there any solution or mod/hack to make it clean all the house like it is suppose too?

EDIT:  I forgot to mention that I even deleted some of those items and replace them with new ones with the same results.

Title: Re: Why should I clean a dirty bathtub?
Post by: simmiecal on 2005 November 05, 05:59:12
Does your controllable sim have high neat points?

If you have two sims - one with high neat points and one with low and you click on a counter top or tub, there are times when the neat sim will still have the option to clean when the sloppy sim does not. Think of high neat point sims as clean/germ freaks. It may be that the tub is not "dirty" enough to get the maid's attention.

Title: Re: Why should I clean a dirty bathtub?
Post by: Issy on 2005 November 05, 06:08:16
Yes, I've noticed that this has changed, at least in my game it is.  I checked over a few days and even tho the maid just left, my sim still has the option to clean the toilet, or sometimes the shower.  Mine was fine before NL too.

No idea if it is a neat/sloppy sim thing but I'll take a look into it tonight.

Oh and I don't know about you guys but the "Influence someone to Clean" and "Influence someone to cook a meal" comes up as a want on almost all my sims every single day :/  Almost makes me think why I take them to college to get the extra want slots.  Mind you it doesn't seem to matter if the house is clean and the hunger meter is full.

Title: Re: Why should I clean a dirty bathtub?
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 November 05, 06:14:39
Well that Sim have a level 6 in neatness so it is not a clean freak, I will definetely check if more sloppy Sims are experiencing the same problem and give more details, but it seems to be like that on all of my lots and I rarely have Sims with neat level higher than 6.  Most will have 3 or 4.

But that still does not explain why the maid does not make some beds anymore  :-\

Also how come my Sim have the option to clean it but not the maid, it does not make sense to me.  In the past, if it was an option for my controllable Sims the maid would clean it.  I never needed to check if it did the job or not.

I don't have the influence clean want problem though but I don't have a lot of Sims that went to college in that neighborhood (only 2 and they did not graduate), it is a new custom neighborhood I made.

By reading another post something came up to my mind, now our Sims will often clean dirty plates on community lots well to me it seems to happen a lot more than it used too, could this be the reason why all this is happening, I am convience Maxis played with that programming and mess-it up a bit though I have no way to prove it since I am not a programmer....

EDIT:  My boyfriend have University install but not Nightlife, I will check if the maid cleans normally in his game.  He did not install the patch yet either.

Title: Re: Why should I clean a dirty bathtub?
Post by: Kyna on 2005 November 05, 07:53:50
When I first played the Pleasant house (pre-NL) I noticed Kaylynn wouldn't finish cleaning the house - she'd leave after making the girls' beds upstairs, no matter how dirty the rest of the house was.  At first I thought it was related to the scenario for the house - but then I realised it might be the diagonal doors on the girls' bedrooms.  After I did some structural alterations and made sure there were no diagonal doors, Kaylynn had no problems cleaning the whole house.

I have no idea if the diagonal door thing was fixed in NL, as I haven't played a house with diagonal doors since installing it.  Does the house in question have diagonal doors?

Title: Re: Why should I clean a dirty bathtub?
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 November 05, 08:29:18
There is no diagonal doors or walls in that house, though I also notice a problem with the maid cleaning rooms which did have diagonal walls.  I did not notice if it is the same in Nightlife since I tend to make those wall go away because of that problem.

Title: Re: Why should I clean a dirty bathtub?
Post by: gali on 2005 November 05, 09:01:01
After I patched NL - Remington stopped cleaning showers at all. The females are OK, and continue to clean each object in the bathroom.

Now, when I have to receive Remington, I always refuse, because, as Misdoh said, at the moment he says "everything is clean", I click on the toilet and shower, and see that the both of them need to be "cleaned". So, instead of being frustrated - I just fired him.

Title: Re: Why should I clean a dirty bathtub?
Post by: FroggySim on 2005 November 05, 09:40:22
Iīve had issues with maids ever since I got nightlife, too. It didnīt get better or worse after I patched it though. It seems that most of the "old" maids still clean as they used to (e.g. Kaylinn does) but all the ones I hired post Nightlife wonīt make beds. Itīs not a big deal as most of my sims are really neat and love to do it, but itīs still strange.

Title: Re: Why should I clean a dirty bathtub?
Post by: Velax on 2005 November 05, 09:54:41
Yes.....I've noticed recently that my maid always leaves without making one of the beds....and it's always the same one (I have four). Have no idea why.

Title: Re: Why should I clean a dirty bathtub?
Post by: kewian on 2005 November 05, 10:42:10
The only problem I have with maids is (esp. male ones) they constantly whine about something that is supposedly in their so for 5 minutes and give up.  I look and look and nothing is there.

Title: Re: Why should I clean a dirty bathtub?
Post by: witch on 2005 November 05, 11:33:40
That might be an invisible stuck kicky bag in the maid's way. Both Pescado & 2Jeffs have a way of removing stuck kicky bags. You could try that. Pescado's is in his lot debugger.

Title: Re: Why should I clean a dirty bathtub?
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 November 05, 16:49:34
I am glad to see I am not alone with that problem.  I will try to fire that maid and hire another one to see if it will do a better job.

EDIT:  I notice yesterday before I went to bed that after my Sim use the toilet once it shows it needed to be clean, and after 2 showers too.  Am I dreaming or before you could go a few more times before it needed to be clean.  Maybe it is not the maid that is mess-up but the Sims themselves? ???

Title: Re: Why should I clean a dirty bathtub?
Post by: Vesca on 2005 November 06, 11:19:54
Sounds like my house - I clean the toilet and 10 minutes later I go in the bathroom only to find that one of my boys has peed all over the toilet seat  >:(

Title: Re: Why should I clean a dirty bathtub?
Post by: radiophonic on 2005 November 06, 14:02:37
They're lazy in my installation as well. More realistic, in my opinion.  :P

Title: Re: Why should I clean a dirty bathtub?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 November 06, 15:00:46
Kaylinn wasn't cleaning properly, just getting jagged lbubbles, so |I got Daniel to fire her, then ring up again for a maid, and he got Remington.  Remington cleans everything int he house, inculding making Lilith's bed in the room with the diagonal door, but he NEVER made Daniel's bed either!  (I thought maybe Kaylinn was leaving it unmade as a statement, but it wasn't that.)

I've now changed the bed for a custom bed to see if that solves the problem.

Another wierd thing I noticed, I built them a garage and put the "Openme" door and window on it, and now everyone uses it as the front door!

Title: Re: Why should I clean a dirty bathtub?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 November 06, 17:22:27
Well, now I've replaced Daniel's bed (I used MadKidIan's lovely cottage bed from SF2) Remington always makes it - I think it must have been the associations with illicit woohoo that put him off the previous one, and Kaylinn must have been put off because it had been Mary-Sue's bed!)

Replace the front door with a more expensive one, but the visitors still all ring the garage doorbell!

Title: Re: Why should I clean a dirty bathtub?
Post by: simmiecal on 2005 November 06, 17:31:41

Replace the front door with a more expensive one, but the visitors still all ring the garage doorbell!

Are the Pleasant's still in the Maxis built home?  If I remember right, that one sits on a foundation. Stupid sims given a choice between a door on the ground level and one on a foundation seem to go to the ground level one.  At one house, I have an attached garage - it is attached (with boolprop constrainfloorelevation false) to the house built on a foundation.  Sims who bother to ring the door, go to the actual front door. But sims who just walk in, and when they are leaving usually go thru the garage (which has no other door than the big garage door).   ??? Sims ???

Title: Re: Why should I clean a dirty bathtub?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 November 06, 17:34:32
Yes it's the original house, maybe I need to close the door off so visitors can't reach it - perhaps with Inge's private gate?  Since only Daniel and Lilith live there, there's be enough keys for them and Remington.

Title: Re: Why should I clean a dirty bathtub?
Post by: simmiecal on 2005 November 06, 17:39:31
Yes it's the original house, maybe I need to close the door off so visitors can't reach it - perhaps with Inge's private gate?  Since only Daniel and Lilith live there, there's be enough keys for them and Remington.

If they are using a side door on the garage, that might help. The problem I'm having is that they use the garage door - the one that goes up when the car goes in and out - as a front door.  >:(  It's pretty annoying. The only way I've been able to stop this is to use one of Inge's doors that connects the garage to the rest of the house.  I LOVE Inge's doors!

Title: Re: Why should I clean a dirty bathtub?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 November 06, 17:45:22
Yes, it's a side door, but I did wonder if it was because it's the OpenMe door that's particularly attractive to them!  the front door may be up steps, but I've changed the porch so the stairs are now facing the road, and it's much closer than the garage door!  I'll have to do something with the gate, I think, as the option to put a door isn't feasible.  Or I could put a family door on the garage, but then, I wouldn't have that door style I want!

Title: Re: Why should I clean a dirty bathtub?
Post by: gypsylady on 2005 November 06, 18:20:46
Here is a post that talks about this it might help

Title: Re: Why should I clean a dirty bathtub?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 November 06, 23:30:48
Thanks, but I already have the front door hack in my game!  It's only this lot where I've noticed it, and I'm wondering if it has something to do with it being an original lot rather than one I've built since NL, which don't seem to have problems.  I will have to go into the Goth house and see if it affects them too!