More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Emma on 2008 September 16, 22:04:07

Title: Okay, I LOLed!
Post by: Emma on 2008 September 16, 22:04:07


Am I the last to know of this?

Title: Re: Okay, I LOLed!
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 September 16, 22:05:37
I've never seen that -- what was the icon for?

Title: Re: Okay, I LOLed!
Post by: Emma on 2008 September 16, 22:07:12

Title: Re: Okay, I LOLed!
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 September 16, 22:09:40
Well, it can't be in the game itself, because 'babby' is misspelled (or maybe it can be in the game :)). Is it ACR?

Title: Re: Okay, I LOLed!
Post by: Emma on 2008 September 16, 22:12:32
Nope, I don't have ACR installed at the moment.

I'll tell you, it is the macro>skillinator>Study Parenting Icon :D

Title: Re: Okay, I LOLed!
Post by: jolrei on 2008 September 17, 01:11:47
Well, that's worth sending someone to study parenting.  I shall send Dark Pescado to study it as soon as I re-start Matysdoorp.

Title: Re: Okay, I LOLed!
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 September 17, 01:22:35
Ah, that's why I never noticed it -- I usually use that skillinator option when they're not doing anything else, so I've never seen it stacked...

Title: Re: Okay, I LOLed!
Post by: kutto on 2008 September 17, 04:19:58
Pes left a lot of "easter egg" titles in Macrotastics. I forget most of them, but I remember seeing others.

Title: Re: Okay, I LOLed!
Post by: kiki on 2008 September 17, 04:29:26
buwhaha that's awesome!

Title: Re: Okay, I LOLed!
Post by: buddha pest on 2008 September 17, 09:08:20
Well, that's worth sending someone to study parenting.
And only that.


Title: Re: Okay, I LOLed!
Post by: cwieberdink on 2008 September 17, 22:03:27
Oh, that is hilarious!  :D  How does girl get prennant?

Title: Re: Okay, I LOLed!
Post by: PirateFaafy on 2008 September 19, 16:08:09
I personally love the Macro...Pay Bills text. Something about seeing my Sims "Render Unto Caesar" tickles me. C:

Title: Re: Okay, I LOLed!
Post by: HomeschooledByTards on 2008 September 19, 16:25:46
I love that too. :)

The new "How is babby formed" is too funny! I love JM's sense of humor.