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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Swiftgold on 2005 November 05, 05:27:51

Title: Gaining skill points - the dating way!
Post by: Swiftgold on 2005 November 05, 05:27:51
Apologies if this has been discussed already, but I did a search and didn't see it.

I sent a teen on two dates in a row, as he had two bolts with each girl and wanted to date both, so I figured I'd see which one went better. At the end of the second date, which ended up being a Dream Date, as they had their goodbye kiss I got this popup, which I had never seen before.

Looking at the personality of his date, it seems she's... actually kind of a slob, with a Neat of 3. So... is this totally random? If it is, there's probably a chance, then, of that bug that happens when you get a skill point via chance card and you already have 10 skillpoints?

[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re: Gaining skill points - the dating way!
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 November 05, 05:41:37
Humm I notice that Sims will spontinously clean dishes on downtown community lots now, even the one we do not control.  So if they went to a restaurant and the server would have been slow to clean-up, often our Sim will take over and clean it themselves.

Did you notice if he clean up dirty plates before you saw that message? It could explain why you got that pop-up message.

Title: Re: Gaining skill points - the dating way!
Post by: Swiftgold on 2005 November 05, 05:59:10
Humm I notice that Sims will spontinously clean dishes on downtown community lots now, even the one we do not control.  So if they went to a restaurant and the server would have been slow to clean-up, often our Sim will take over and clean it themselves.

Did you notice if he clean up dirty plates before you saw that message? It could explain why you got that pop-up message.

He didn't, no... I was keeping him busy fulfilling his wants to get his Dream Date, so he was just talking/flirting/etc, all the normal date stuff. Watching one of my red-aspiration Knowledge Sims make yet another enemy... I am so installing that "less autonomous fighting" hack.

I have noticed they will clean up a lot more, though. I took a family downtown one night for kicks - yay for kids in the Crypt O'Night Club - and I had one hell of a time trying to keep them from cleaning up plates whenever they had a free moment.

Title: Re: Gaining skill points - the dating way!
Post by: cwhitney on 2005 November 05, 06:04:32
Looking at the personality of his date, it seems she's... actually kind of a slob, with a Neat of 3. So... is this totally random? If it is, there's probably a chance, then, of that bug that happens when you get a skill point via chance card and you already have 10 skillpoints?

To my understanding, you can randomly get skillups from either an outing or a date, and from my experience, the particular skill was determined by what skills your sim's date/outing partner had that were higher than your sim's.  It's a comparison of skills rather than personality traits.  If that's the case, that would help avoid going over 10 in any skill.

Title: Re: Gaining skill points - the dating way!
Post by: Swiftgold on 2005 November 05, 06:16:49
To my understanding, you can randomly get skillups from either an outing or a date, and from my experience, the particular skill was determined by what skills your sim's date/outing partner had that were higher than your sim's.  It's a comparison of skills rather than personality traits.  If that's the case, that would help avoid going over 10 in any skill.

Ahh, that makes sense. The popup made it sound like it was based on personality, but I suppose it could be skill. Without checking I imagine she did have more cleaning points than him, as the free one was his first. Too bad it doesn't happen more often if your Sim is dating someone who's maxed out, say, or at least has a lot more skill points in comparison. They'd be suddenly in high demand for the free "learning". *grin*

Title: Re: Gaining skill points - the dating way!
Post by: Ness on 2005 November 05, 06:44:29
that was so freaky...

I'd just read this thread, returned to the game where I allowed a recently widowed elder sim to go on a blind date - and had that exact same message pop up!

I'm pretty sure in this case that the sim that gained to cleaning point had much higher cleaning skill than the townie she dated - especially as this was an elder townie that I created and don't actually remember giving any skill points to at all.

Title: Re: Gaining skill points - the dating way!
Post by: crazi_aboutu on 2005 November 05, 07:20:53
Yes, you get a cleaning skillpoint for having a "Tidy" date, and I believe it is based on how many dating points you have gained for your dream date.

Title: Re: Gaining skill points - the dating way!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 November 05, 07:27:48
I'm pretty sure in this case that the sim that gained to cleaning point had much higher cleaning skill than the townie she dated - especially as this was an elder townie that I created and don't actually remember giving any skill points to at all.
Unemployed townies are often assigned random jobs and given skillpoints needed to hold those jobs.

Title: Re: Gaining skill points - the dating way!
Post by: Regina on 2005 November 07, 07:16:00
I remember one of my sims getting a cleaning point from a date.  I'd read about the points before so didn't think too much about it.  I did find it a little funny, though, that by the end of this sim's at-home date, the house had dishes with flies buzzing and was overall a mess.  Maybe the date rater figured he needed to learn to clean up just a bit.  ;D

Title: Re: Gaining skill points - the dating way!
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 November 07, 12:39:47
I had this happen once as well, also with a cleaning point.  No idea what the reason was.  Maybe it was instead of a present or something, I can't remember now.  Possibly townies with no money to buy pressies will give skillpoints instead.  Probably worth more than a measly bonsai tree anyway.

Title: Re: Gaining skill points - the dating way!
Post by: Myth on 2005 November 07, 13:52:29
In addition to skill points I've had Sims get promotions from previous dates giving recommendations.  If I remember correctly I think the date was in the same career field as the Sim that got the promotion. 

Title: Re: Gaining skill points - the dating way!
Post by: Assmitten on 2005 November 07, 16:55:49
I can only imagine how such a skill was learned...I can just picture the conversation: "You have NO IDEA how many stains club soda can get out!"


Title: Re: Gaining skill points - the dating way!
Post by: krynnwoman on 2005 November 07, 19:30:26
I've also had a couple of Sims get a free cleaning skill point with their dates. I've also had someone get a promotion because of a good outing they went out on.

Now my question is: Has anyone gotten any other skill areas besides cleaning? From everything I've read and experienced, I can only verify that cleaning skill points can be earned.

Title: Re: Gaining skill points - the dating way!
Post by: Assmitten on 2005 November 07, 22:40:37
Similarly, I've seen a promotion due to being friends with a coworker (after the coworker came home with my Sim). I think the phrase that was used was "So-and-so pulled some strings at work for your Sim." This is a nice feature.

I have not seen any skill gains from dates or outings.

Title: Re: Gaining skill points - the dating way!
Post by: dusty on 2005 November 08, 06:29:21
Now my question is: Has anyone gotten any other skill areas besides cleaning? From everything I've read and experienced, I can only verify that cleaning skill points can be earned.

I have had a sim get a body point from an outing.  The popup was something about having buff friends being an advantage - I particularly remember as this was an unfit teen with no body points at all and I had been planning on having her stay that way.

Title: Re: Gaining skill points - the dating way!
Post by: Assmitten on 2005 November 08, 19:18:17
Well, that's unfortunate. I hate when I'm trying to keep a Sim a certain way (lazy, out of shape, whatever) and they improve accidentally.

Dusty, your icon reminds me of someone famous--sort of like Alicia Keys. But there is someone else I can't think of.... She looks nice.