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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Dragon Slave on 2008 September 15, 22:18:32

Title: Attack of the Clones
Post by: Dragon Slave on 2008 September 15, 22:18:32

I think the picture speaks for itself.  I've got a Starla Rodeik appearing about every five seconds. >:(  Last night I put in a newer version of notownieregen.  Could it be causing the problem?

Title: Re: Attack of the Clones
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 September 15, 22:20:50
Somebody reported a similar issue with another sim in the AL Borkedness thread.  Sounds like it may be an insidious AL bug.

Title: Re: Attack of the Clones
Post by: Gastfyr on 2008 September 15, 22:23:25
lol!  From the pic it looks like she doesn't like herself very much (note the "--"s happening).   :D

I don't envy you the bug, though.

Title: Re: Attack of the Clones
Post by: Dragon Slave on 2008 September 15, 22:32:10
I just checked the SDSC's with the QA version of Simpe and there's still only one Starla.  Of course I didn't save after playing... but maybe, it's duplicating the same sim rather than creating the same sim over and over.  That would be a relief. ::)

Title: Re: Attack of the Clones
Post by: seelindarun on 2008 September 15, 23:12:17
Uh... not to put a wet blanket all over your new-found relief, but if Stella is developing a negative relationship with herself, that would strike me as a VBT.  I'd much rather have 20 or 50 extra townies than corrupt memories from sims interacting with themselves...  Maybe it's just me.  :-[

Title: Re: Attack of the Clones
Post by: maxon on 2008 September 16, 13:54:30
I just checked the SDSC's with the QA version of Simpe and there's still only one Starla.  Of course I didn't save after playing... but maybe, it's duplicating the same sim rather than creating the same sim over and over.  That would be a relief. ::)

It will be the same sim file - this sort of thing has been happening since University though usually it's one clone not several.  The interrelating thing can be dealt with in the memory manage in SimPE - just delete.  What's causing it, I have no idea, so I apologise for my otherwise useless post.

Title: Re: Attack of the Clones
Post by: jolrei on 2008 September 16, 14:02:28
In the other thread, Pescado suggested that duplicated instantiations of the same sim are not likely immediately fatal, but "both sims" should be deleted immediately.  You have more than two.  Consequently, it is likely not a bad move to quit without saving.  Does it happen again when you restart?

Title: Re: Attack of the Clones
Post by: Dragon Slave on 2008 September 18, 04:58:18
I checked simpe afterwards, and she only has one file, though I didn't save the lot.  Hasn't happened since, but I haven't played that lot again either.  Maybe I'm in safe waters for now.   :-\

As for corrupt memories, I usually let good ol' lot debugger take care of 'em.  I guess I'll see how it goes from here...