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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: MissDoh on 2005 November 05, 02:46:31

Title: Hello are you an adult, no I am a YA!
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 November 05, 02:46:31
From time to time I tried to found a way to recognize adult from YA by looking at their avatar but cannot seem to find any difference.

When I add only University it was not that hard to spot them since from time to time I knew all the townies before I even sent a Sim to University.

Now with Nightlife things are different there are a lot of new townies added and I just created a custom hood in which I deleted all the characters so it is really hard to tell which are adults and which are YA after I graduated a Sim and it moved back in regular hood.

Do any of you have a trick to spot them easily within the game.  I don't have SimPe so cannot check their files, anyway I would not want to quit and reload my game all the time to check that.

Title: Re: Hello are you an adult, no I am a YA!
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 05, 02:57:37
From time to time I tried to found a way to recognize adult from YA by looking at their avatar but cannot seem to find any difference.

When I add only University it was not that hard to spot them since from time to time I knew all the townies before I even sent a Sim to University.

Now with Nightlife things are different there are a lot of new townies added and I just created a custom hood in which I deleted all the characters so it is really hard to tell which are adults and which are University after I graduated a Sim and it moved back in regular hood.

Do any of you have a trick to spot them easily within the game.  I don't have SimPe so cannot check their files, anyway I would not want to quit and reload my game all the time to check that.
even so for the most part YA's dress different than adults. the weirder the out fit the more likely it is to be a YA

Title: Re: Hello are you an adult, no I am a YA!
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 November 05, 03:07:29
That's true but Nightlife unlock a lot of YA clothes which are now available for adults too.  My main concern is when I pick the phone and want to call a Sim, I cannot tell which are adults and which are YA.  There is a bit of clothing showing so for some I can make it out but other than that I see no way to difference them from one another.

Title: Re: Hello are you an adult, no I am a YA!
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 05, 03:22:36
That's true but Nightlife unlock a lot of YA clothes which are now available for adults too.  My main concern is when I pick the phone and want to call a Sim, I cannot tell which are adults and which are YA.  There is a bit of clothing showing so for some I can make it out but other than that I see no way to difference them from one another.
thats because YA"s and adults can now date each other etc......

Title: Re: Hello are you an adult, no I am a YA!
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 November 05, 03:40:54
Oh well  I guess I will do it the old fashioned way which is make a Sim go to college, pick-up the phone and note the name of all the Sims there is in the college phonebook.  It takes time to note them all but it if very efficient.