More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: littleblackdog on 2008 September 08, 17:15:45

Title: disabled diagonals
Post by: littleblackdog on 2008 September 08, 17:15:45
I have been in the process of organizing my downloads folder using Delphys Download Organizer, and Paladins Sims 2 Catagorizer.  While doing this I discovered that my diagonal build/buy objects (curtians, windows and doors) were disabled. Does anyone know why they disabled and if it is safe to enable them ?   
I had done a clean new install for AL.  removed all my downloaded lots, but kept all custom content and hacks to put back into my game in a more organized fashion.  I have all the expansion paks and a few of the earlier stuff paks. 
 I stand in awe..

Title: Re: disabled diagonals
Post by: Tingeling on 2008 September 08, 18:06:57
...but kept all custom content and hacks to put back into my game in a more organized fashion.  I have all the expansion paks and a few of the earlier stuff paks. 
 I stand in awe..

Um, does that mean you kept the old cc in your downloads folder? You do know you have to update old hacks, right? Or did you happen to use the moveobjects on cheat and simply forgot to reset it?

Title: Re: disabled diagonals
Post by: littleblackdog on 2008 September 08, 18:39:51
Yes I have kept all of the custom content in my downloads folder, just more organized, and I have been replacing all my hacks with  the newer and shiner ones..I also use HDCU..
I am not sure what you mean about the move objects cheat. I do use it in the game and sometimes forget to turn it back to the "off" position..oops

Title: Re: disabled diagonals
Post by: eevilcat on 2008 September 08, 20:48:06
Custom curtains at least require the creator to create a diagonal mesh which a quite a few don't bother to do. It might be that certains CC objects were never able to be placed on diagonals due to lazyness on the part of the creator.

Title: Re: disabled diagonals
Post by: bzrburns on 2008 September 09, 02:27:18
I've noticed that I can place curtains diagonally in the all of the buildings except those that are zoned apartments. 

Title: Re: disabled diagonals _ FYI an answer
Post by: littleblackdog on 2008 September 18, 17:07:11
"Normally the diagonal version of a door, window, curtain, etc. is not categorized to show up in the catalog. The version you select in the catalog is always the non-diagonal version and the game simply switches it to be the diagonal version if you place the object on a diagonal wall. If a custom object is made to work like the Eaxis ones are, the diagonal versions of the objects should not need to have their own catalog entry. Usually the OBJD section of the object has no catalog bits set because of this. "
This is the reply I recieved from SimWardrobe, for anyone else who might have wondered about the answer to my question..thanky to all the wonderful sim community.  you guys help make the game fun!