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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: laylei on 2008 September 08, 05:55:24

Title: Neighborhood Terrain Surgery - no roads/weird terrain?
Post by: laylei on 2008 September 08, 05:55:24
I needed to fix the terrain of one of my neighborhoods (I wish I'd known the Desiderata terrain would flood anything with basements before I established my Legacy there), so I followed the instructions in the War Room, using the post on page 4 that said:

With Bon Voyage and SimPe the four resources to replace during neighborhood terrain reassignment surgery are

- Neighborhood Terrain
- Neighborhood Terrain Geometry

I replaced these, but ended up with no roads and an odd terrain that essentially looks like a SC4 terrain, not the Sleepycat terrain it's supposed to be:


What am I missing?

Title: Re: Neighborhood Terrain Surgery - no roads/weird terrain?
Post by: blackcat on 2008 September 08, 07:45:09
I don't know what happened with this neighborhood, but if you have a back up, and you should always have one, you can try HoodReplace: Replace Neighborhood Terrain by Mootilda from MTS2: (
It's simpler to use, and has more options. Though it hasn't been yet updated for AL, but works upto FT for sure.

You can also use modifyterrain cheat, if you hav FT and higher, to elevate the terrain slightly up. Just move houses some place else in the neighborhood, elevate and move them back.

Title: Re: Neighborhood Terrain Surgery - no roads/weird terrain?
Post by: laylei on 2008 September 08, 09:49:49
That worked perfectly, thank you!