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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: rufio on 2008 September 07, 20:49:34

Title: Car-related crash - help? [Apparently fixed]
Post by: rufio on 2008 September 07, 20:49:34
I tried to send a teenager to a community lot in a car (the standard default cheapo Maxis car) and up came a popup with "The application has crashed.  The application will now close."  Right before this happened, the car disappeared, so that I could see the teenager sitting on thin air.  I reloaded the game and played to the same point, again sending the teenager to the community lot.  This timie it didn't crash, the teenager arrived at the community lot as normal, did whatever, and then came back.  As soon as he came back, with the car in the driveway (but strangely, without the teenager being visible) the game crashed again, and continued to do so when I replayed it.  I tried using Inge's stay things shrub to keep the furniture and then moving the family in and out of the house, but the game then crashed when it was loading the lot.  Is this more likely to be a problem with the car (i.e. I can delete the car in buy mode, move the family back in and all will be well), a problem with the lot (i.e. moving the family to a different lot will solve the problem) or a problem with the family themselves?  I did try taking most of my hacks out, which change anything.  I only have Uni through Seasons, so it's not an AL problem.  I'm going to go see if I can load the lot in buy mode and replace the car.  If it matters, the car was used for whoohoo earlier that sim day.

ETA: I was able to get into the lot in Buy Mode.  The car was not there (the rest of the furniture was, though).  I was not able to put a replacement car on the driveway.  Turns out that the driveway is actually a driveway extension placed away from the road using move_objects.  I deleted the driveway, turned on move_objects and replaced it.  I was then able to put a car on it.  I saved and exited and attempted to move the family back in.  Crash. ???

Title: Re: Car-related crash - help?
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 September 07, 20:58:51
Do you have any custom cars in your game (other than those Ford things from the main site)?  Older custom cars have been known to bork all cars in the game.

Title: Re: Car-related crash - help?
Post by: rufio on 2008 September 07, 21:01:01
I have never downloaded any cars, even from the official site.

Title: Re: Car-related crash - help?
Post by: rufio on 2008 September 08, 01:09:29
Ok, well I went back and tried to load that family again, and it didn't crash.  So maybe replacing the car fixed it?

Title: Re: Car-related crash - help? [Apparently fixed]
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 September 08, 13:18:28
Yea, maybe -- and please don't double-post.  Just go back and edit your last message to add the new info.