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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: KLGFCG on 2008 September 04, 14:02:31

Title: AL Borked the NPC and Townie Maker Gun
Post by: KLGFCG on 2008 September 04, 14:02:31
I am not pleased. I'm starting a new NH and wanted to make my own sims for various roles. I cleaned out the hood, then made some sims I like. Plunked a sim on a lot with the spawned NPC and Townie gun, Inge's Teleporter Cat, and the Lot Debugger.

I tried to make my own iconic hobbyists (which I've done before). I CAS'ed the sim I wanted, used the lot debugger to change the OTH, then townie-ized them with the cat. I then clicked on the gun, chose Make Iconic Hobbyist, but for all but Cuisine (which shows townies properly), only one sim was available to choose. In that particular hood, it was one of my four Pollination Technicians, but in another hood it was Sanjay Ramalamadingdongwhatever (not sure why the game is only picking these sims - neither are even townies). Generate Iconic Hobbyist works as expected (result = ugly as sin hobbyist - yay).

In looking around, the other non-iconic hobbyist options seems fine, except for "Make Vacation Sim." Now, it only lists options to make locals for each of the 3 vacations hoods, it used to give an option to make Tourists as well. In that case, if "Generate Vacation Sim" is selected, the option to generate tourists (for each of 12 families) is available in addition to generating locals.

I tested this in a cc-free hood as well, just to make sure I didn't have anything interfering, but no dice. Thoughts? Comments? A relatively painless alternative way to making one's own Iconic Hobbyists and Vacation Tourists? Right now, all I can think of to get my own custom looks for these groups is to do the "Generate" actions then makeover the Eaxian fuglies with Sim Surgery, then Deleted 2 the donors, but this sounds tedious and messy. Help?

Title: Re: AL Borked the NPC and Townie Maker Gun
Post by: jolrei on 2008 September 04, 14:38:47
Are the NPC and Townie gun and teleporter cat updated for AL yet?  If not, this may be your problem.

Additionally, do not use oldversioned FT version of SimPE for AL modifications.

Title: Re: AL Borked the NPC and Townie Maker Gun
Post by: KLGFCG on 2008 September 04, 14:50:29
Sorry, I should have been more specific. The NPC and Townie gun is a game thing... testingcheatsenabled true > spawn > NPC and Townie Maker

The Teleporter Cat hasn't been updated, but it shouldn't need to be unless Inge decides to add new options for the new EP (I'm hoping for "Make me social group townie"). Besides, in my cc-free test, the gun should have picked up "wild" townies if the problem was the fact that Sims were being townie-ized with the cat... it didn't.

I have the latest AL QA SimPE for looking around. In the case of actually editing, I'll probably wait until it's been tested a little better, although if I decide to try it with the QA, I'm backed up well.