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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Madame Mim on 2008 September 03, 02:12:58

Title: Small AL Warning - multiple playable apartments
Post by: Madame Mim on 2008 September 03, 02:12:58
Just thought I'd let people know about a small oopsie I encountered with AL and multiple playable families in an apartment block. Make sure that the townies have finished moving in after your first family is placed before exiting out to the hood and moving another family in.

I moved Nina Caliente into an apartment block I built and the townies started to arrive, but I exited the block to move in Dina & Michael Bachelor, Don Lothario and the Burbs. I played each of these families for a day and then went back to play Nina and bring her in sync with the others. For a little while the other playable families were listed on the doors, then the NPC's finished moving in and now Nina lives in a block full of NPC's rather than my other playables. The other families are fine and see her and the rest of the playables, but not poor Nina. She is alone - awwww!

So don't do what I did. Wait until those NPC's are settled before exiting to the hood and moving in other families.

Title: Re: Small AL Warning - multiple playable apartments
Post by: GayJohnScarritt on 2008 September 03, 02:59:54
   Moving her out, then back in should rectify the situation, or just exiting/reloading the lot might reset the lot.  Several possible solutions present themselves, it'd be nice to know which solves the problem.

Title: Re: Small AL Warning - multiple playable apartments
Post by: Madame Mim on 2008 September 03, 12:24:22
It's only a testing hood. I was just going to ignore it personally. If I get a chance to play anytime soon I'll check what happens if I try your suggestions and repost. I just thought I'd warn others.