More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: ninefold on 2008 August 28, 00:42:59

Title: Error Message After Installing AL
Post by: ninefold on 2008 August 28, 00:42:59
I am getting the following error message in my main household.  I have every EP and SP installed.  I am using "awesome" hacks.  The non-awesome hacks I'm using are some OFB related ones from Squinge and a couple others from TwoJeffs.

Object id: 21
name: N001_User00792 - Veronica
Stack size: 8
Error: You sent me a crappy GUID, please fix it.
Problem executing script (SocialTestConstants): Run-time:
Object Error running script!
stack traceback:
   [C]: in function `GetNumConstantsWithGuid'
   (none): in function `SocialTestConstants'

Title: Re: Error Message After Installing AL
Post by: Solowren on 2008 August 28, 01:13:32
If hacks haven't been given the all-clear by the creator, DO NOT USE THEM.

Title: Re: Error Message After Installing AL
Post by: Kyna on 2008 August 28, 01:38:21
Actually, that one looks like the error I was getting with nopedostalkers in my game.

Faizah and I were both getting that error with just the new DC in our games, so we did a binary search and narrowed it down to nopedostalkers.  It was updated at least twice before we went to bed, but we were still getting that error with the updated versions.

And like Solowren said, don't use hacks until they've been given the all-clear.  TwoJeffs has posted a list of his hacks that are ok to use with AL (,1140.0.html), I suggest you only use the ones he's listed as ok.  I don't use any Squinge hacks as they're unsupported, so I don't know if anyone has posted a list of what works and what doesn't for his hacks.

ETA: link

Title: Re: Error Message After Installing AL
Post by: ninefold on 2008 August 28, 02:50:01
Thanks guys.  I did have nopedostalkers installed so that may have been it.  I've removed all hacks and everything seems to be working fine so I'll simply add as the all-clear is given.

EDIT:  Kyna, the way I read twojeff's list is those are the broken mods he has listed.  Is that correct?  If that is the case then that explains some things as well since all of his mods that I had installed were on that list.

Title: Re: Error Message After Installing AL
Post by: Kyna on 2008 August 28, 03:39:17
Those are the TwoJeffs mods that will need further investigation at this stage, so they are definitely do not use.  The rest are provisionally given the all-clear.  While the rest of his hacks won't bork your game, some features will need to be updated, and it is possible that they may work in ways they weren't intended to.

BTW, nopedostalkers has been updated and is no longer giving that error message.  At this stage of the EP release, you should check the hack directory for updated hacks several times a day.  Pescado always releases frequent updates at this stage of the process.

Title: Re: Error Message After Installing AL
Post by: Jelenedra on 2008 August 28, 14:44:05
It's a very smart practice to download the AL DC everytime you load the game after a new EP is released. Just copy and paste over the old stuff. Takes about 30 seconds.

Title: Re: Error Message After Installing AL
Post by: jolrei on 2008 August 28, 19:28:40
It's a very smart practice to download the AL DC everytime you load the game after a new EP is released. Just copy and paste over the old stuff. Takes about 30 seconds.

See, I never do that.  I always delete my hacks directory altogether and reload fresh from the new DC.  That way I never worry about any discontinued hacks causing tight pants.

Title: Re: Error Message After Installing AL
Post by: Annan on 2008 August 28, 19:32:39
It's a very smart practice to download the AL DC everytime you load the game after a new EP is released. Just copy and paste over the old stuff. Takes about 30 seconds.

See, I never do that.  I always delete my hacks directory altogether and reload fresh from the new DC.  That way I never worry about any discontinued hacks causing tight pants.

This is also the way the Old Grumpy One tells us to do it.

Title: Re: Error Message After Installing AL
Post by: Jelenedra on 2008 August 28, 19:36:05
This is a good point. I am glad I thought of it.

Title: Re: Error Message After Installing AL
Post by: ninefold on 2008 August 29, 00:20:26
I've always downloaded the newest awesomeness before playing.  This time it was the non-awesome hacks that did it.  Although the most recent error after having ONLY awesome hacks is this:

Object id: 1258
name: Flower - Craftable - Snap Dragon Bouquet
Stack size: 4
Error: No stack object present when required.

Furthermore my sims seemingly continue to regenerate their portraits without any prompting from me.  Originally this seemed to be a sim reset issue, but the sims are not resetting now.  They go about their autonomous actions and then POOF!  their portrait changes.