Title: Transferred files to external...I broke it? Post by: KnowitallSim on 2008 August 25, 13:15:48 So my computer is pretty much all out of space, so I moved my Sims 2 files over to my external hard drive. But now the game won't work...it says "The Sims 2 FreeTime is not installed or installed properly on your machine. Please install or reinstall."
I'll go INSANE if I have to reinstall every expansion and stuff pack. Surely there's another way to get it to work? All of the files are there... :-\ Title: Re: Transferred files to external...I broke it? Post by: HomeschooledByTards on 2008 August 25, 14:07:05 You can't move programs between drives on Windows*. There's this thing called the Windows Registry, which (among other things) tells Windows where on the hard drive that programs are installed.
Move your files back to your original drive, in the original directory and you *should* be able to run them again. You can move My Documents to another drive, which will probably clear up quite a bit of space if you have a large downloads folder. (I did it once, a long long time ago, just to see if I could. It was a very 12 moment, and I know how lucky I was not to screw up my parents computer) Title: Re: Transferred files to external...I broke it? Post by: Milhouse Trixibelle Saltfucker III on 2008 August 25, 16:37:23 If you are skilled with regedit.exe, however, you can change the registry pointers to point to the new locations. To do so, simply choose the "Run" command from the start menu and type "regedit", and then edit the registry pointers you need to change.