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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: vecki on 2005 November 04, 03:03:39

Title: Woah... like, dude, what am I doing here?
Post by: vecki on 2005 November 04, 03:03:39
I have a single sim living in Pleasantview's Downtown, Miranda.  I spotted her downtown having a meal with Mr Big (aka Carl Chavat), while Daniel Pleasant was out on a date with Kaylynn Lothario   .  So I decided that despite the neutral chemistry, I'd pair them up.  I had them spend some time on the phone until they were friends, until...

One night after work, Carl calls up and wants to know if Miranda will go on an outing with him.  Ok, perfect!  Miranda drives off in her tacky little hatchback.

The downtown loading screen comes up, loads, and we're in......

VERONAVILLE NEIGHBOURHOOD VIEW?!  With no control panel, no less.

No Miranda or outing, only the options to go into the various Veronaville houses.  I go into one of the Capp houses, where I finally get my control panel back so can quit back to neighbourhood view, and then to the neighbourhood menu.

I finally get back to Miranda's house, where she is driving back home, and the outing timer appears.  Nobody is actually with her though.  So she calls Carl and asks him on a date, this time by taxi.  They get to the Hub, and the entire outing pours out of the taxi.  The date is declared over as the outing once again starts.

I then had to end the outing due to pretty serious laggage, and start the date, which was good, then because their moods were still quite good, had another, dream date.


Title: Re: Woah... like, dude, what am I doing here?
Post by: Myth on 2005 November 04, 03:18:49
Must be operator error.  Everyone knows that the Sims is soooo not buggy.   :P

Title: Re: Woah... like, dude, what am I doing here?
Post by: simmiecal on 2005 November 04, 03:19:23
That's pretty hard to believe.  I mean, if you had said that you wound up in Strangetown, I might believe it, but not Veronaville.  ;) :D

The game does do some strange things sometimes, doesn't it?

Title: Re: Woah... like, dude, what am I doing here?
Post by: vecki on 2005 November 04, 06:14:03
Must be operator error.  Everyone knows that the Sims is soooo not buggy.   :P

I din' do nuthin!  I was reading while it loaded!  Honest!


Title: Re: Woah... like, dude, what am I doing here?
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 November 04, 06:31:42
Gee for some reason I felt like I was in an episode of Strangehood  :D

I did read that it happened to others on the "official" bbs though nobody came up with a solution or reason why it was happening (so far it did not happen to me).  If you have time to waist you could try and do a search there in the Nightlife and/or gampleplay section.  Maybe someone did came up with a reason why it happened but I am really unsure about that though.

At least you can be assure you are not alone with that problem.. sorry I could not be more helpful though.

Title: Re: Woah... like, dude, what am I doing here?
Post by: cwieberdink on 2005 November 04, 13:25:09
Gee for some reason I felt like I was in an episode of Strangehood  :D

yeah, whatever happened to the strangerhood?  It made it's way to Vecki's game I guess.


Title: Re: Woah... like, dude, what am I doing here?
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 04, 13:54:06
That's pretty hard to believe.  I mean, if you had said that you wound up in Strangetown, I might believe it, but not Veronaville.  ;) :D

The game does do some strange things sometimes, doesn't it?
yep it sure Does   Like this for example  see the microphone in midair The sim shown is singing a duet with my playable sim at that moment who for what ever reason was suddenly turned INVISIBLE!

[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re: Woah... like, dude, what am I doing here?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 November 04, 14:13:52
Invisible sims are nothing new!  Used to happen a lot in Sims1, and the only cure for the stricken sim was  shower!  I never knew until then that being hot and sweaty made you  invisible - though there might be times you wished you were!

Title: Re: Woah... like, dude, what am I doing here?
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 04, 14:18:32
Invisible sims are nothing new!  Used to happen a lot in Sims1, and the only cure for the stricken sim was  shower!  I never knew until then that being hot and sweaty made you  invisible - though there might be times you wished you were!
the cure for that particular sim was going to work! she went to work invisible and came home visible 8 sim hours later

Title: Re: Woah... like, dude, what am I doing here?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 November 04, 14:23:08

Title: Re: Woah... like, dude, what am I doing here?
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 04, 14:30:11
it is funny but absolutely true  .its the first time I ever had  going to work be the cure for being invisible. ;D

Title: Re: Woah... like, dude, what am I doing here?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 November 04, 15:11:21
Maybe your sim just didn't want to go to work! ;D

Title: Re: Woah... like, dude, what am I doing here?
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 04, 15:38:33
Maybe your sim just didn't want to go to work! ;D
could be  just that ;D I also have a male DMA maid with a female voice in my game which SimPE treats as male.... the invisible sim Keeps telling me that all the married men are hot when I have her Scope the room.there can be a dozen single sims in the room and she zero's in on the married sims without fail. I have to keep my eye on her with the family sims she has deemed to be "hot" as they are both happily married.since my married Romance sims will cheat at the drop of a hat I dont worry when she zero's in on them. I sent her downtown and  had her scope the room she did and zeroed in on Steve Aming a happily married "Family" sim who has eight kids with his wife who was out to dinner with him. so I sent her to another lot thinking ok she will find a single sim nope  . she zeroed in on another married sim with 6 kids and a wife   he is a "family Sim" as well. she is a "popularity " sim I would change her aspiration  to "slut" if it existed

Title: Re: Woah... like, dude, what am I doing here?
Post by: Andygal on 2005 November 04, 16:29:25
It does. Romance aspiration.

Can you tell I don't like Romance sims?

Title: Re: Woah... like, dude, what am I doing here?
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 04, 16:59:21
It does. Romance aspiration.

Can you tell I don't like Romance sims?
yep  and I have a bunch in my game thanks to Brynne in fact  I just got my*slut* engaged to The Brother of her Karaoke Partner. I used the  insimenator to summon him  as I had to act fast when she started wanting to develop a relationship with a Grand Vampire downtown I was lucky they had 3 bolts for each other instantly the brother not  the Count . I had to send her home as the Count kept showing up wherever I sent my Sim. that's when I tried the gypsy one last time who churned out nothing but disasters  no matter how much she was paid. so in desperation I summoned Justin's Brother  . Justin is her Karaoke partner in the invisible sim Photo. they hit it off big time and had a dream date  he rolled the want to be engaged to her so I made Him selectable and had him propose she accepted. hopefully she will quit zeroing in on married men now

Title: Re: Woah... like, dude, what am I doing here?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 November 05, 01:11:13
I like my romance Sims best of all of them!  At least they know what they want and set out to get it!  Family sims are worse sluts than Romance Sims - they'll also cheat at the drop of a hat, but they're such hypocrites!

Title: Re: Woah... like, dude, what am I doing here?
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 05, 02:47:58
I like my romance Sims best of all of them!  At least they know what they want and set out to get it!  Family sims are worse sluts than Romance Sims - they'll also cheat at the drop of a hat, but they're such hypocrites!
I like the Romance sims as well they want exactly one thing woohooand to fall in love.I will say one thing my Romance sims are far better parents than my family Sims. I have one Romance sim who is married and has 3 kids with his wife who is also a Romance Sim and he  Has a Mistress that he has twins with  and when I play the  Mistress's house I often see him over there cuddling his babies. I also noted that the two were in attendance at their Son's Wedding the one I tweaked into meeting my popularity slut. My Romance Sim and His Family Sim Mistress are the Parents of  the new Groom and even though they have a long time affair going on neither flirted with the other at their Son's wedding and they also refrained from  Flirting with each other during the reception. I dont know if my Romance sim behaved him self because his other children and grandchildren were in attendance  if that might have made the difference or not. the only flirting that went on  happened from a maid that was rebuffed by 2 of my Romance sims. I did not have my Sim's wife in attendance only because the mother of the groom is his mistress and I didnt want to deal with a slapfest at  wedding.

Title: Re: Woah... like, dude, what am I doing here?
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 November 05, 03:15:55
Gee for some reason I felt like I was in an episode of Strangehood  :D

yeah, whatever happened to the strangerhood?  It made it's way to Vecki's game I guess.


Speaking of that, episode 7 of Strangehood is out entitled "Star-crossed suckers".  They did not advertise it on the Sims 2 bbs but someone pointed that out a few days ago.  You can see that episode here: